A Little Talk

How have you found life here? I imagine it is quite different from what you were imagining.

'It's been fine, but is that really what you wanted to talk about?'

No, but please humor me. It is not often that I get insight into the lives of others, and I do worry about you. I will not pretend that your importance accomplishing my goals is a large factor in this.

Don frowned, it made him sound like a tool of sorts.

'The food is far better than anything I could get back home, on average at least, but I worry that it is ruining my ability to live with rations. Training my men has been pretty fun, if a little tedious, and I feel my relationship with Diana is progressing smoothly. Overall I'd say it's been refreshing.'

How wonderful. I am glad to hear that you aren't struggling to adapt, not that I questioned your ability. Is Diana faring well?

'She's been having difficulties getting used to the academy, but other than that she seems content.'

Good. I was more concerned about her in the first place. You completely outclass the rest of the galaxy intellectually, so it would be surprising if she found their practices satisfactory. It is only out of curiosity, but when do you plan to begin reproduction?

Donovan almost choked on the blunt question. He supposed it probably wasn't too inappropriate for what was essentially a tree, but it was kind of weird to be asked 'when are you going to bang your wife' out of the blue like that.

'We were thinking we should start once she is done with her education, whenever she decides she has learned enough from the academy, but no sooner than when Arc sets up the proper medical facilities to deal with a pregnancy.'

A prudent decision, though I must suggest you start once both of you are sufficiently powerful in terms of split.

'Why is that?'

A very large factor in determining an individual's affinity for split is the parents' power at the time of conception. Stronger parents breed stronger children, but that strength can be lost if the child does not capitalize on their advantages. However weak parents will breed children who would be unable to reach a higher level if they tried. In that way, the two of you have been blessed. There is effectively no upper limit on what level you may reach, but that blessing will not extend to your offspring.

'So I should redouble my efforts to improve?'

I would prefer it if you did so for other reasons too, however you should not push yourself farther than you can handle, nor should your efforts hinder your progress in other fields. You may not feel like it right now, but you have plenty of time. The mission that the Arboreal Maiden and I have tasked you with is not one that can be completed in short order. From your perspective, one derived from a traditionally mortal lifespan, the time you have is effectively unlimited. It is only for us ancient individuals that time seems to be in short supply, a few million years at most.

The Great Csillacra was right, a million years for someone with a life-span measured in the hundreds was effectively an eternity, but for someone who had lived for billions of years it wasn't that long.

'Speaking of, what exactly is this mission?'

I cannot tell you, not at this juncture. It would make further progress impossible.

Donovan's eyebrows furrowed. He knew it was probably important because the Great Csillacra had tasked him specifically with it, but he was really left grasping at straws for what to do.

'So then what am I here for?'

In truth, there are three things I wished to discuss with you. One of them in relation to your mission, one of them in relation to your needs, and one of them a personal request. Which would you like to discuss first?

'I'm not picky, which one do you want to start with?'

Let us start with your mission, the 'first step' you might call it.


Donovan received a thought of affirmation. It wasn't verbal, as their conversations were, but more like a feeling, as if the Great Csillacra had nodded.

Indeed, I wish to give you guidance on becoming a god. Before we begin though, have you given any serious thought to what type of god you wish to be?

'I haven't.'

Understandable, if a bit disappointing. I believe that becoming a god related to the field of war would be best for you, if not a god of war outright, but it may turn out that becoming the god of something else is easier for you to accomplish. That is beside the point though. What do you think gods are? Don't feel ashamed to admit you have no idea, it would be surprising if you did, but I want to know what you think.

Donovan thought for a second. He could always recite what he learned from others, but what did he think gods were? He had met two of them, right?

'Gods are individuals powerful in split that hold control, absolute or nigh absolute, over the thing they are the god of. Is that close?'

It has the right idea, but they don't so much control what they are god of so much as they influence it or respond to it. Take, for example, the Navigator, who I know you are familiar with. He has no control over navigation, but he can very easily find the fastest route from one place to another with the mode of transport given to him. That quality of his godhood can be thought of as the only reason you made it here alive, the territory inside the Veil being uncharted. Does that make sense to you?


Good, it is important that you understand that before I teach you why a god is created.

As I am certain you have already been told, the primary driver behind the effects of split is the intent of an intelligent creature that is capable of influencing it. That isn't to say split doesn't have any natural processes, it very much does, but the vast majority of notable actions are driven by users of split. Naturally, then, split is a key factor behind the creation of gods.

How it does this completely defies the standard of how split normally interacts with the universe, it is neither a natural nor unnatural process. 'Spontaneous' might be a good way to put it, influenced by a great many factors, but they are incredibly difficult to control.

'If they are so difficult to control, then how can you be so certain I will become one?'

Difficult, not impossible. I have already taken the steps to give you a good chance. Back to the topic though. To my knowledge, there are three primary ways in which gods are 'born'. The first is that they appear, the second is that they are gods from birth, the third is that they transform from mortals. Looking at it from the standard position you will be completely unable to find an explanation, a through line for god-hood. All of those methods are different, how could a god that appeared out of nothing be the same as one birthed from a womb or who climbed there through the experiences accumulated over their lives?

The truth is that the circumstances surrounding their existence are far more similar than they first appear, and I figured it out by thinking of two specific time periods in a god's life. I found my breakthrough analyzing the death of a god, how do immortal individuals of such power die? Why do they stop being immortal, stop being gods? Given the rarity of gods, that and the chaos that usually surrounds their demise, it can be hard to parse together.

The reason was far simpler than I had thought, even if the events leading up to that point were complicated. To be blunt, 'something' stopped believing they were gods! Now it changes from case to case, but there is always a common event where some group or individual stops believing that they are the divine embodiment of the concept they represent. Once again, split's response to the intent of people plays a part here. Somehow, for some reason, split will revoke an individual's divinity if they are no longer seen as divine.

Fascinating, no?

Donovan, who wasn't even used to there being gods in the first place, was tempted to scratch his head.

'I still don't understand the intricacies of split, but that makes some sort of sense, I guess.'

Knowing this, how a god is unmade, I was able to figure out how a god comes into being. It is, simply put, the opposite. That very same 'something' that stopped believing them to be gods must have also begun to believe them gods at some point, at which point split responded to their 'intent' to make them a god! I believe this also explains the difference in creation, the other time in a god's life, the time before their birth.

For gods that appeared, the Arboreal Maiden found them to be the mentioned in a great many folk tales and stories before their existence. I can only imagine that a significant portion of those that heard those stories believed strongly enough that they existed, so split responded to their will.

For gods birthed from the womb, I can only imagine that there were rumors surrounding their birth. That may be the reason they are usually born to influential families or other gods, a detail which the Arboreal Maiden brought to my attention.

That only leaves those made gods of their own efforts, and I think that is self evident, right?

'The people were made to believe that they are gods after experiencing, witnessing, or hearing about their feats from others?'

Oh how nice it is that you can come to your own conclusions! That is exactly right. Somehow, in some way, the 'something', which I have found doesn't necessarily have to be a group of people, must genuinely believe that someone is a god. They cannot be forced, they cannot be coerced, they must come to their own conclusion in which they firmly believe. Only then can someone become a god.

I take it you understand what it is you must do now, correct?

Donovan understood why the Arboreal Maiden was pushing him toward fame and glory now, it was the surest way of getting what he needed.

'I just wonder if I am up to the task. 'God' is a pretty high bar, right?'

Maybe, but I have faith that you will achieve it. There are many things that the Arboreal Maiden and I are willing to do for you to complete these goals. Right now, we are planning how to handle whatever upheaval the two of you bring about, and I know the Arboreal Maiden is trying her hardest to give you every advantage she can. The seizure of that Velar child's tournament winnings, for example, was one such discreet method. I would request one or two of those split crystals from this child, they are solid bodies of split, extremely concentrated and pure, so you would not have to worry as much about drawing in the ambient split from the atmosphere.

'But wouldn't that be stealing from her? Shouldn't Titanyana be using those to make herself more powerful?'

This child is already far more powerful than you give her credit for, and she is only going to get stronger after I am finished with her. She is abnormally strong, especially for someone from a dying star, but her core is damaged from poor quality and low quantities of split. Once I rid her of those, both her capacity and output will skyrocket. She will need time to get used to it. Of course, I will also be teaching her the method I taught you for strengthening her core, but she won't be in any state to utilize split crystals for some time.

'She could save them for later though. To increase her strength once she is ready.'

She will be fine. Given her strength, she will easily place in future tournaments, and I know she will be more than happy to gift you a few of them to you. Need I remind you that you are acting to save her people? You saved her life today too.

'It doesn't feel right to take advantage of my subordinate like that though.' Donovan looked down at his hands. 'Besides, can't you just give me split like you did before?'

Absolutely not. It isn't that I don't want to, but it would be dangerous at this stage of your development. I was only able to give you that split because you were synchronized with my core, your body would naturally expel any I gave you now, perhaps violently.