Chapter 4: The Royal Library

Lin Yu was pressing Yu Yan towards the wall. They were in Yu Yan bedroom. He was holding her waist and pulling her towards him. Yu Yan struggle lightly in his embrace. His embrace became tighter with her struggle. He then tilted his head and kissed Yu Yan on the lip. When their lip touched, all the worries that she felt in her heart about the dream just vanished. She felt safe and secured by Lin Yi.

After a while, they stopped to breathe. Lin Yi brought Yu Yan to the bed and hugged her like she was the most precious treasure in the whole world.

Although Yu Yan had a severe scar on her face, she was a confident and happy girl. She did not need some self-pity depression vibe in her life. Lin Yi has shown her love and care she always asked for. Whenever she felt she was worthless and not worthy of Lin Yi love, she would remind herself that she could be better. She could give Lin Yi more love and care to make him happy.

"Yi yi, I have a request. Could you do me a favor?"

Yu Yan looking at Lin Yi with a pleading eyes. It always work. She had always get whatever she wanted from Lin Yi this way.

" Yes, whatever you wanted, I will try my best to fulfill it. You just need to ask it?"

Still hugging Yu Yan, Lin Yi was smiling while waiting for Yu Yan request.

"I need to go to The Royal Library. I need to study about something important. I have try to find the books in our Books Collection but I don't find any. Could you please bring me to The Royal Library?"

Lin Yi a bit surprised by the request. Yu Yan have never interested in cultivate since she was born without dantian. She had always love to walk on the street of Capital City and watch people. She love helping people and saw the living conditions in Capital City. She was the one that had reported about the slave market at the Capital City to the Emperor. Because of that, countless life had been saved by her. That the reason why Lin Yi fall in love with her. Her kindness and selfless act was so opposite to him. She was the light that keep him from all the darkness of his heart.

"Of course you can. You are the Crown Princess of Eastern Sky Kingdom. You can visit The Royal Library whenever you like.".

Lin Yi snapped his fingers and a black cloaked man entered the room. He was a secret guard of the Crown Prince but now had been reduced to guard the door of Yu Yan's bedroom.

"Ready the carriage to return to The Royal Palace."

Lin Yi return to his cold and indifferent demeanor. It was the demeanor that other people used to. He had always gentle and loving towards only Yu Yan. Other people including The Emperor had never received the gentle and loving side of Lin Yi.

"We will inform your parents about your stay at The Royal Palace tonight. You can stay and spend few days at the palace with me."

Yu Yan was mortified listening to Lin Yi. What would people say to a sixteen years old teenage girl following an eighteen years old teenage boy home? And Lin Yi had the courage to ask her to stay for a few days?

"No, I will just go and visit the library. Then, we can ask Fu Jiu to send me home."

Lin Yi frowned upon listening to Yu Yan. He tighten his hold on Yu Yan's waist and started to kiss her.

"I knows that I am despicable to ask you to stay at my Crown Prince Palace but I need a reward for doing a good job right? I promise I will behave myself this time. I will never going overboard again like two months ago. I am so sorry about that. I lost control of myself that day. I am sorry, I promise."

Yu Yan blamed herself about the incident. She was the one that let Lin Yi had his ways with her that night but when things get to far, she the one that panicked and pushed him away. It was her birthday celebration. After the feast had ended, Lin Yi went to sent her off to her bedroom and say goodbye before return to the palace. Lin Yi only intended to kiss her goodbye before one thing lead to another. He quickly stopped when Yu Yan beginning to seriously struggling in his arms.

Remembering the incident make Yu Yan blushed a little. She then quickly gathering her thought and replying to Lin Yi by smiling and nodding her head signing that she agreed with his demand. They walk out of her courtyard and heading towards the Main Hall where her parents were. They explained to her parents that she wanted to visit His Highness and Her Highness at the palace and stay at the palace for a few days. By the time they were leaving, she could see some mocking in her mother eyes and unwillingness in her father's eyes.

She can't help but to shrugged and hide her face in the Lin Yi's embrace. What wrong with her? Why she felt so shy? And the mocking smile on her mother's face? What did she thought would happened? She would just looking at the books in the library nothing else. That what she was hoping for.