Chapter 3 - Two small milk rolls

How come there were children here?

Xing Luo held her breath and walked towards the old tree.

"Gege~" a cute childish voice was heard, "We secretly came over to find daddy, will he be angry?"

"Yes." Another childish voice of a small little bun replied with a word that sufficiently reflected his coldness.

Xing Luo raised the corner of her lips.

For a four-five years old little bun who pretended to be calm would only make others felt that he was very cute.

In comparison, the younger one was more lively while the older one was more steady.

Xing Luo inexplicably like these two small little buns.

Just when she wanted to step forward, she saw a middle-aged man in casual clothes walked towards the direction of the two young children.

"Hello, Little Friends. I am your father's friend. I will take you to go find him, alright?" The middle-aged man tried to deceive them.

With only one look, she already knew that he was a child trafficker.

Without waiting for Xing Luo to do anything, the younger milk bun already responded.

"Grandpa, your acting was too lousy. This kind of outdated move is better to use it on the fools." The voice of the small milk bun was very soft and adorable. The words that he said... was truly evil.

"You bastard! What are you talking about! Come! I'll take both of you to go find your dad!" The middle-aged man was somewhat angry. He grabbed both the small little buns and planned to forcefully take them away!

"Stop!" Once Xing Luo opened her mouth, the two small milk buns straightaway turned around and wanted to run towards her. As if wanted to seek for her protection.

They were truly quick-witted.

As far as Xing Luo could see, there were two small buns that were white and smooth like a delicately carved jade. Two white and tender small milk buns that were very beautiful and delicate like a porcelain doll.

So cute!

Xing Luo's heart was about to be melted!

She leaned forward and opened her arms. She picked them up, one on each side of her arm.

The middle-aged man didn't leave. He secretly observed Xing Luo and felt that this 'young man' did not seem like the children's father.

Xing Luo raised her eyes and stared at the man.

Her eyes were cold and silent. Just like a dangerous and evil ghost.

The man's body shook and he unconsciously stepped back for a few steps. Feeling ill at ease, he then turned around and ran away.

Xing Luo converged her aura and looked at the two small little buns in her arms.

These two small little buns seemed to be twins. However, they don't resemble each other. Most probably one of them resembled their father while the other resembled their mother.

But what she could be certain was that their parents' attractiveness level definitely was sky high!

"Thank you." The older brother pretended to be cold and serious when he expressed his gratitude. However, the soft bun face was just too cute!

"Big-jiejie(Big Elder Sister)~ Thank you~" The younger brother smiled with his clear and beautiful big eyes. He looked just like a small little fox, very cunning and black-bellied, so cute!

Xing Luo simply wanted to steal them home!

"Little friends, how did you see through that I'm a woman?" Xing Luo couldn't help but laugh.

Younger Brother: "Because Big-jiejie(Big Elder Sister) smell is very nice~"

"Congratulations, darlings~ You have guessed it right~ However, I'm not a Jiejie(older sister). So both of you have to call me Auntie o~"

If her children were still alive, they should be around their age also…..

Xing Luo put down both of the children: "How did you both small little buns sneak out of the house? This is very dangerous. How about Auntie send both of you home?"

The older brother shook his head and he pointed his finger towards the entrance just now, "Daddy is inside."

Younger Brother: "Auntie, please help us to give a call to our daddy and ask him to come and pick us up~"

Xing Luo dialled the number that they gave her.

"Du…..du..." (Phone beeping sound)

For some unknown reason, Xing Luo's heartbeat suddenly quicken!

It was connected after three beeps…..

"Who?" A cold and sexy voice was heard, it was very graceful and magnetic, emitting a strong charisma. It made Xing Luo's vellus hair to excitedly stood up.

His voice was just way too attractive!