Chapter 11- It’s The Same To Eat Your


Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a magnificent villa.

This place did not seem like a restaurant…..

With a sceptical attitude, Xing Luo got out of the car. She only saw a middle-aged housekeeper who stepped forward to welcome Ye Lixiao with a respectful bow, "Young Master, welcome home."


This is the Ye Family's home?

Why did Ye Lixiao bring her back to Ye Family?

Xing Luo became absent-minded. The housekeeper had already reached the car door. She leaned down. With a kind smile on her face, she stretched out her hands to both the small little buns, "Little Young Masters, it's time to get off the car."

"I want Auntie Luo Luo to carry me~" Ye Mu protested.

Ye Rong also nodded his small little head.

"This…." The housekeeper frowned and only then she looked at Xing Luo who was already standing at the side.

The housekeeper's eyes were full of scrutiny and her face was filled with unconcealed disgust.

Looks like this housekeeper was extremely repulsive of Xing Luo. Did she think that Xing Luo was not a good person?

The housekeeper stiffly said: "This is…."

"Lin-sao, there's nothing for you to do here." Ye Lixiao coldly opened his mouth.

"Yes, Young Master." Lin-sao obediently retreated.

Xing Luo leaned forward and stretched out her hands. With 1 little bun in each of her arm, she carried them out of the car.

Ye Lixiao coldly glanced at her and walked into the villa.

Xing Luo followed, "Mr Ye, didn't I said that I will treat you all to a meal? This place doesn't seem like a restaurant..."

Ye Lixiao tilted his head. There was no warmth in his voice, "To eat your home-cooking will also be the same."

Xing Luo: "..." When did she ever say that she will cook?

So overbearing!

"Auntie Luo Luo~ Mumu also wanted to eat food that you personally cooked~" Little Ye Mu looked at Xing Luo with a face full of expectation and Little Ye Rong also had the same look.

Towards the dazzling eyes of both the small little buns that seemed to encompass the whole night sky, Xing Luo's little heart almost melted away! Even if both the small little buns wanted the stars in the sky, she would also give it to them!

"Okay! Auntie will cook for you all~" Xing Luo easily surrendered.

Ye Mu: "Wa~ I love you, Auntie Luo Luo~"

Ye Rong directly smacked a kiss on Xing Luo's lips.

Ye Lixiao who was walking in front heard the interaction of the three people behind him. He felt as if the softest part in his heart was being lightly poked by a feather. It felt very subtle.

As soon as they entered the living hall, they heard the sounds of footsteps coming from upstairs. It was accompanied with a deep and low enchanting voice, "Yes~ Yama is not home today~ The two little devils is also not at home! This daddy can finally go out to pick up girls!!!"

[TN: Yama – King Of Hell]

"Dong——" They only heard a loud noise and the shadow of a man had already 'rolled' down the stairs at the speed of light. He seemed to have received some huge surprised.

Ye Lixiao dangerously narrowed his eyes and strolled towards the staircases. He looked down at the man who had just fallen down the stairs.

"Brother(elder)…..why did you come back…." The man frantically stood up on his feet. His face was filled with flattering smiles as he secretly glanced to the side using his peripheral vision. When he saw the two small little buns, the cold sweat on his body quickly surged up violently. However, his attention was soon taken away by Xing Luo.

"En? What a beautiful young miss~ Brother? Did you bring her back? Good gracious! God finally have eyes! You finally can understand the things properly! I thought you like man, pu——"

Ye Lixiao hammered Ye Rusi's head with his fist. He said in a fierce and ice-cold voice, "Ye Rusi, later I will find you to settle the account for what happened today."

Ye Lixiao recollected his terrifying aura and faintly looked at Xing Luo, "The kitchen is over there. Come with me."