Chapter 22 – A Mistress Is Really Still A Mistress

"Pa!" Xing Luo coldly looked at Yan Fan's wrist, "After you entered the Mu Family for so many years, you are still statusless. Can't you find the reason for it? A mistress is really still a mistress. Even if you have used despicable means to climb up my father's bed, you are just a bed warmer at most. Compare with the prostitutes outside, you are just slightly more expensive."

"You!" Yan Fan's face flushed red with anger. She wanted to slap Xing Luo but she was unable to move a single step.

After she had entered the Mu Family for so many years, Mu Jiangchuan still did not give her any status. Originally she thought that after she had ruined Xing Luo's reputation, she would have her wish fulfilled and marry into Mu Family. However, Mu Jiangchuan still did not think about having her to officially join the family.

How could Yan Fan not understand that in Mu Jiangchuan's heart, there was only Xing Luo's mother—— Xing Yun.

Mu Jiangchuan was reserving the position of Mrs Mu for Xing Yun! He had always been waiting for that woman to return!

Xing Luo casually said, "Auntie Fan, don't be angry. If you are angry, then you would have more wrinkles. Originally you are already very ugly, and if you look any older, there would really be nothing to look at."

As soon as the words fell, Xing Luo shook off Yan Fan's hand and got up to walk towards the stairs.

Yan Fan ruthlessly beat the sofa's cushion. That cheap slut had change into someone that was hard to control and handle!

However, Xing Luo's words had successfully reminded her.

If she wanted to marry into Mu Family, it was not enough to just ruined Xing Luo's reputation...

As Xing Luo stepped onto the second floor, she had a panoramic view of Yan Fan furious performance.

Yan Fan and Yan Yiren, these mother-daughter pair were not people who know their place nor would they be content with what they have.

However, Xing Luo had already changed. She would let them to carefully taste the flavour of their own bitter fruits.

After going up the stairs, Xing Luo came to her own former room.

The only thing worth rejoiced was the furnishings in the room was still the same as last time. None have been move and the room was also regularly cleaned.

Although it was clean, it lacked the breadth of a living person in the room.

Xing Luo walked to the bed and lay down.

She did not know when it started that this place no longer looks like a home.

When Xing Luo was in her teenage years, Xing Yun discovered the existence of Yan Fan and Yan Yiren.

Xing Yun was the official wife that was married to Mu Jiangchuan. However, the mistress's child, Yan Yiren was three months older than Xing Luo.

Xing Yun had a fierce temper. As she was disheartened, she chose to divorce without any hesitation and left Mu Family by herself.

At that time, Xing Luo was still young. Therefore, Xing Yun did not take her away. However, she changed her name from Mu Luo to Xing Luo.

In the following years, Mu Jiangchuan kept waiting for Xing Yun to returned and his attitudes towards Xing Luo also changed from time to time. When she was seventeen years old, Yan Fan and Yan Yiren moved into Mu Family.

The only good news was that in Mu Jiangchuan's heart, there was only Xing Yun. Therefore, he did not give Yan Fan any status even until now.


In these four years, the mother-daughter pair had been frantically trying to penetrate the internal part of the Mu Family and the aristocratic circle of the imperial capital.

Today, the upper-class nobles had already regarded Yan Fan and Yan Yiren as Mu Family's Madam and Young Miss.

When it comes to Xing Luo, how many people would actually know about her?

However, it doesn't matter as Xing Luo would take back everything that originally belonged to her!

Xing Luo closed her eyes and rest. After she had rested for a time, the servants of the family came to knock on her door.

"Miss Xing Luo, Miss Yiren and Young Master Qingzhan are back. Master asked me to inform you."

Xing Luo: "I understand."

Xing Luo's gaze sunk and she got up to leave the room.

Pei Qingzhan… would you react once we meet again after four years.