Chapter 28 – It’s Okay If You Sexual Harass Me

The moment when the whistle was sounded, the whole environment at the main gate suddenly quiets down….

Everyone at the main gate looked at Xing Luo in shocked.

Was this young lady looking for death? How did she dare to whistle at Ye Lixiao?

He was the Ye Lixiao who was as cruel as a demon!

For her to dare to flirt with this demon, she was basically throwing her life away!

After the initial shock, everyone's expression also changed and became sympathetic when they looked at Xing Luo!

Such a beautiful young lady was actually blind!

Those who provoked Ye Lixiao, none of them have a good ending!

A tender heart for the fairer sex? Merciful? These words did not exist in Ye Lixiao's dictionary!

Who did not know about their Big Boss Ye coldness and ruthlessness? And the most well-known of all was was Ye Lixiao's clear heart that didn't lust over anything and don't like to go near the opposite sex.

There were no differences between people in his eyes.

Therefore… no matter how beautiful Xing Luo was, Ye Lixiao would not be lenient when he sort her out.

After receiving the sympathetic gaze that came from all directions, Xing Luo swallowed nervously...

She seemed to have done something…that she should not do.

On the other hand, Ye Lixiaio merely raised his eyebrows after being whistled.

When he reached the main gate, everyone respectfully saluted him.

"Open the door." Ye Lixiao ordered.

"Yes!" The main gate was open.

Ye Lixiao strolled towards Xing Luo.

Everyone didn't seem to have the heart to continue to look at. Young Lady, you could only pray for more luck…..

Xing Luo stood there with a guilty conscience. And soon, Ye Lixiao reached in front of her and he stood still.

Everyone else also thought that Ye Lixiao would sort Xing Luo out. However, in the next second, they saw their ice-cold Boss I who had only ever shown a fiend's look to everyone, unexpectedly reached out his hand to pinch the young lady's chin!

"Are you trying to sexually harass me? En? You have guts." Ye Lixiao narrowed both his eyes and his tone became dangerously ice-cold.

"...….." They did not believe in their own eyes!

After being wolf-whistled by a woman, Ye Lixiao not only didn't get angry, but he even intimately flirted with her back!

They must be dreaming!

"Master Xiao~ I did not sexually harass you at all. How would I dare? " Xing Luo smiled and pretended to be a fool.

Ye Lixiao this man was really of the top quality in the world!

Even if Xing Luo had already seen all kinds of beautiful men in the world, she had no choice but to admit that he had a beauty that did not age. He was truly unparalleled in the world.

Otherwise, Xing Luo would not be tempted into giving him a wolf-whistled.

Ye Lixiao's gaze sank. This little thing pretended to be a fool again…..

"It's okay if you wanted to sexually harass me." Ye Lixiao said quietly.

Xing Luo: "…..really?" Towards her...he would let her indulge in this?

"Yes, but….." Ye Lixiao bent slightly, "You have to bear the corresponding consequences."

The consequences, even if she didn't ask also she knew it would not be anything good!

"Master Xiao~ Let us go in~" Xing Luo turned her head around and tried to change the subject.

Ye Lixiao: "We're not in a hurry."

For some reason, he always had an impulse to kiss Xing Luo.

Ye Lixiao tilted his head as he gently and lightly pressed a kiss on Xing Luo's face.

Afterwards, he let go of her and turned around, "Let's go."

Xing Luo: "..." How did this man able doing this kind of things without ever changing his face!

Everyone else at the gate was stunned and in the end, everyone was struck dumb!