Chapter 30 – Lixiao, I’m Afraid

"You shameless bitch! Who are you calling a wild chicken! I was the Eldest Miss from Tong Family! As long as I move my finger, I can kill you! You let go of Xiao-gege!" Tong Yinian pointed her finger straight at Xing Luo and rebuked her angrily.

Xing Luo looked innocent, "Tong Family? Never heard of it~"

Ye Lixiao deep ice-cold eyes slightly narrowed. This woman mischievous look was really adorable….

He obviously dislikes scheming women and hated it even more when he was drawn into the fights between them.

But at this moment, not only did Ye Lixiao didn't want to expose Xing Luo, he even wanted to help her….

"You!" Tong Yinian complexion turned gloomy, "Bitch! Xiao-gege is merely playing with you and you really took it seriously! Who do you think you are! What qualification do you have to pester Xiao-gege?"

"Yes, yes, yes. You're the only person who matters. Are you happy now?" Xing Luo was full of smiles. She didn't conceal her contempt towards Tong Yinian.

"Pfffft——" A low laughter was heard from within the crowd.

"You sharp tongue bitch! See if I don't beat you to death!" Tong Yinian rolled up her sleeve and wanted to come over.

"Lixiao~ I'm afraid~" Xing Luo directly buried her face Ye Lixiao's arms, "It's fine if she only scolded me but now she even wanted to beat me up. I'm not happy~"

Listening to Xing Luo's languid and alluring cute voice, Ye Lixiao felt an unusual subtle feeling in his heart. It felt as if a feather was lightly teasing him.

Making him felt as if... it was hard to resist and hard to defy.

Just when Tong Yinian rush closer and wanted to raise her hand, Ye Lixiao piercing ice-cold gaze fell on her. His voice as cold as ice and frost, "Did I allow you to come out?"

"N... no…." Tong Yinian's whole body shook. Her movement froze and she couldn't help but to shivered.

Ye Lixiao whole body was overcast with dark clouds, "A hundred lap with loads. You are not allowed to rest until you finish running."

"Xiao….Xiao-gege… can't treat me like this…." Tong Yinian dare not believe it.

"Need me to say it for the second time?" Ye Lixiao's aura became even more frightening.

"N… no….. no need….. I'll go and run now…." Tong Yinian gritted her teeth and she was obviously unreconciled. However, she did not dare to disobey Ye Lixiao's command. She fiercely glared at Xing Luo before she turned around to leave.

"Wait." Ye Lixiao stopped her.

Tong Yinian's eyes lit up with joy. As expected, Xiao-gege still remembers the friendship between them and would not really be willing to treat her in such a way.

However, in the next second, Ye Lixiao's voice was just like a heartless slap and ruthlessly landed on her face…..

"Who allows you to address me in such a way? Add on another twenty rounds."

Hearing this, Tong Yinian's expression looked as if she was struck by lightning!

Ye Lixiao had a very cold tone, "Still not going? Why? You think it's too little?"

"No! I'll immediately go right now…." Tong Yinian quickly tie some sandbags on her legs and started her long run with the sandbags on her legs.

Xing Luo faintly sighed. This man was really as ruthless as he was rumored to be!

He didn't even know how to be lenient and gentle towards a young girl, no wonder… wonder he was still single even after so many years.

However, the Xing Luo approach was also to probe the edge of danger.

Xing Luo raised her small face from within Ye Lixiao embrace and show off a smile of someone who got her way. The man happened to lowered his head and caught her smiling face with bright eyes and white teeth…..

What a cute little scoundrel.

Was she not afraid that he would not cooperate with her acting and even punish her as well?

The way that she was so daring, Ye Lixiao did not dislike it.

Ye Lixiaio: "Let's go. I'll take you to go take the medical kit."

Xing Luo: "Okay." Right when she wanted to leave the embrace of the man, unexpectedly a big hand took this opportunity to hold her waist and she was forced to be imprisoned by his side.