Chapter 33 – Please Advice!

Ye Lixiao deep ice-cold eyes narrowed slightly, his face sank instantly. The aura surrounding him has been just like a densely covered dark cloud…..

Did he overindulge Xing Luo? Until the extend that she even now dare to pluck the hair on the tiger's head?

As she became aware of the changes in Ye Lixiao, Xing Luo nervously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and quietly withdrew her hand….

It's over, it's over. This time, Ye Lixiao really was angry!

What should she do this time?

Suddenly, an idea flashed through her mind.

Maybe, she could try it out….

With an expression that was filled with guilt and wrongdoings, Xing Luo cautiously walked towards Ye Lixiao.

The man did not say anything, nor did anything to her. He wanted to know what Xing Luo planned to do this time.

When she finally got closer, Xing Luo rubbed her face on Ye Lixiao's side with an innocent expression. Holding onto his arm, she weakly leaned against the man's body….

"Ye-gege~ Let us go~" Xing Luo coquettishly said. She very wisely ignored what happened just a moment ago and choose to act stupid.

When Ye Lixiao heard Xing Luo's lazy, soft and cute voice, the fury he felt earlier instantly disappeared without a trace.

What a cunning little thing…..

Unexpectedly, she would use this way that was hard for him to resist to resolve the earlier crisis.

Ye Lixiao was helpless against Xing Luo who acted like a spoilt child.

She had succeeded for he was no longer angry.

Even Ye Lixiao also felt that this was inconceivable. Since when did he become so easy to coax?

When Xing Luo felt that the ice-cold aura surrounding Ye Lixiao started to fade away, she continued with her efforts…..

"Ye-gege~ Don't you want to go back?"

"....En." With just her calling him Ye-gege in the end, it had finally dispelled the remaining displeasure that Ye Lixiao felt in his heart.

As the man stepped out from the sickbay, Xing Luo hugged his arms and left together with him.

Ye Lixiao did not bicker with her.

If she was changed into another person who dared to provoke and offend his dignity and disrespected him just like Xing Luo, it was afraid that this person had already lost one of his hands by now.

But Xing Luo... not only was she safe and sound, Ye Lixiao also did not get angry with her much.

He suddenly discovered that he couldn't do anything against Xing Luo! This is not good…..

By the time they went back, everyone ambiguously looked over.

It was simply only to get a medical kit, was there a need to spend such a long time for it? They must have done something else also…..

Looking at how Ye Lixiao and Xing Luo came back together all sweet and unctuous, everyone also felt as if their mouth were stuffed full of dog food!

From the looks of it, they would soon have another person from Ye Family!

When Tong Yinian who was still running with loads saw this scene, she almost gritted her teeth into nothingness.

What was so good about that bitch besides knowing how to stick onto Xiao-gege side and acted coquettishly! What else did she know! Such a weak person would only hold him back!

Could it be that men really like those meek and loveable women? Those few women who were cute and helpless looking?

Xing Luo clearly only pretended to be one!

Tong Yinian was extremely unsatisfied and decided that she must expose the true colors of this white lotus!

Xing Luo only let go of Ye Lixiao when they finally stood in front of the team. It was so tough to pretend to be obedient!

She carried the medical kit and stood at the side.

Ye Lixiao glanced at her faintly and then turned his gaze on the people who were practicing in front of him.

"7001, come out." Ye Lixiao coldly said.

The person whose number was called ran over obediently and stood in front of Ye Lixiao. He answered with a loud and clear voice, but an empty heart, "Please advise!"

As soon as the words were spoken, he was on guard and attacked Ye Lixiao with all his strength…..

In the next second, the shadow of a man was seen being thrown out, just like a kite with a broken line and landed on the ground like a puddle of mud….

Xing Luo suddenly realized that the way Ye Lixiao treated her was extremely gentle and soft!