Chapter 35 – This Is The Reward

The remaining three women were also unable to escape from this calamity.

Everyone was also abused by Ye Lixiao….

After everything had been concluded, the man walked towards Xing Luo and stretched out his hand that was used to beat people up earlier.

Xing Luo took a closer look and saw that the back of Ye Lixiao's hand had a small wound of about one centimeter. He most probably was scratched by something when he was beating up people. It was very shallow and there was no bleeding….

Did this mean that he wanted Xing Luo to dress his wound?

The corner of Xing Luo's eyes twitched. The others who were beaten to half-dead by Ye Lixiao, he said they were okay and did not allow Xing Luo to attend to them. In the end, his own hand only had a small cut and he already came over to find her…..

Xing Luo opened the medical kit and helped Ye Lixiao to clean his 'wound'.

The other people: "...…." Please don't play with them like this!

They can't really say anything when they have to endure all the beatings, but now they also need to endure being stuffed with dog food!

Ye Lixiao stared at Xing Luo with all his attention. Originally, he indeed planned to let Xing Luo dressed the wounds of everyone. However, when he thought about how she would touch those stinky men, Ye Lixiao suddenly felt uncomfortable. As a result, he changed his decision.

"Alright." Xing Luo decently put a gauze on Ye Lixiao's 'wound'.

Ye Lixiao looked down towards the back of his hand and immediately leaned over to plant a kiss on Xing Luo's cheek. The man opened his thin lips and said in his ice-cold voice, "This is the reward for you."

Xing Luo: "...." This kind of reward, could she choose not to accept it?

Everyone in the background was very emotional! There would not be any injuries if there was nothing to compare with! Ye Lixiao was so cruel towards them just like a demon, but when he was facing Xing Luo, he was completely a different person!,

"Boss, good morning!" Right at this moment, a gentle and melodic, sweet beauty voice came from behind.

Everyone looked towards where the sound came from and saw a curvy and exquisite woman in formal wear walked towards Ye Lixiao.

Everyone greeted her loudly.

Zhou Youyou smiled and nodded to everyone.

Soon after, her gaze fell on Xing Luo, "This is?" There was not an ounce of hostility from her tone. It gave everyone a sense of a well educated and understanding person.

However, Xing Luo oddly unable to like this person…..

Ye Lixiao coldly said: "None of your business."

Zhou Youyou nodded and very consciously didn't ask any more question. However, she could not help but keep looking at Xing Luo.

"Hello, I'm Zhou Youyou." Since she couldn't get anything out of Ye Lixiao's mouth, Zhou Youyou took the initiative to talk to Xing Luo.

"Xing Luo."

Zhou Youyou revealed a friendly smile: "I see that you're holding a medical kit. Are you a new doctor?"

Xing Luo shook her head without saying much.

Even though Zhou Youyou was very curious, it was not convenient for her to ask further.

Ye Lixiao took the medical kit, "Let's go."

Xing Luo followed Ye Lixiao to send the medical kit back into the sickbay.