Chapter 38 – The Prerequisite Is To Please Me

Ye Lixiao was extremely upset when he was disturbed by others.

He let go of Xing Luo and straighten his body. He was surrounded by dark clouds and it was very chilly. His ice-cold sharp gaze pierced through the young man at the door.

This man was also a member of Flame——He Chen

With a face full of tears, he begged for forgiveness: "Boss! I know my wrong! Please spare my life!"

Ye Lixiao narrowed his eyes dangerously. His voice was cold enough to freeze people, "It's been very long since I last practice with you. Wait for me at training ground tonight."

He Chen: "Ah!!!" Yamete! He really came back at the wrong time!

[TN: Yamete – Stop in Japanese]

Ye Lixiao's face was cold, "Talk about the main points."

He Chen put away his sloppy attitude as he walked in with a folder and handed it to Ye Lixiao.

He Chen: "Boss, all the details information are inside already."

Ye Lixiao returned to his office table. He opened the folder and looked over the information inside.

Taking advantage of this moment, He Chen couldn't help but glance at Xing Luo who was sitting on the sofa.

He saw a woman with red lips and white teeth, with a beautiful appearance, a pair of watery eyes that shined like a star…..

She was really dazzling to the point that could rival the sun and the moon.

This woman was a natural rare beauty. So beautiful that is simply outrageous.

But…..she looked kind of weak.

Besides having a beautiful face, she didn't seem to have any other redeeming points.

Why did his boss like this kind of woman?

It was still okay if it was only to play around. If he was in it for real, this kind of flower vase was not worthy to be with his boss.

As Xing Luo sensed He Chen's deep scrutinizing gaze, she raised her eyes to meet his.

He Chen awkwardly blinked, "Hello, I'm He Chen. I am Master Ye's subordinate."

"Xing Luo… who is Master Ye, I don't know."

He Chen: "...."

Ye Lixiao: "....."

Is this little thing angry?

Ye Lixiao put down his document and got up. He walked towards Xing Luo and hooked her chin up, "Are you certain that you do not know me?"

Xing Luo: "Don't know."

In the next second, Ye Lixiao leaned over and kiss her on the face, "Do you know me?"

"No…..I know, I know!" Xing Luo immediately changed her answer when she realized that Ye Lixiao wanted to kiss her again.

He Chen who was standing on the side: "….." What had he done wrong that he had to suffer such abuse? He was not air, so could you please don't disregard him? He felt so distressed that he was simply unable to breathe.

As he got a satisfactory result, Ye Lixiao stopped making things difficult for Xing Luo. He let go of her and returned to his work without glancing at He Chen even once.

He Chen: "....." Don't ignore me!

Ye Lixiao continued to read his documents while He Chen had nothing to do. So he moved and sit down beside Xing Luo, "Your surname is Xing? This surname is very rare."

There didn't seem to be any influential family with the surname Xing in the Imperial Capital.

From this, it could be deduced that Xing Luo had been just an ordinary person.

The identity of an ordinary person and the identity of the Patriarch of Ye Family was as different as clouds in the sky and mud on the ground...

Just when He Chen wanted to ask Xing Luo something, Ye Lixiao deep and ice-cold voice floated over…..

"Did I let you sit?"

".." He Chen stood up from the sofa and mischievously smiled, "Boss! I was wrong!"

Ye Lixiao: "Scram if there's nothing else."

"Yes! Then, I'll be going off now, Boss."

He Chen waved his hands at Xing Luo and left the office.

Xing Luo: "Ye Lixiao"

"En?" That single syllable sound was extremely sexy.

Xing Luo: "I miss Rong Rong and Mu Mu."

"…." Ye Lixiao's eyes narrowed and a ray of light flashed by, "You miss them?"

"Yes!" Xing Luo nodded.

"You can meet up with them, but… the prerequisite is to please me."