Chapter 43 – Opening Ceremony

"Whose clothes is this?" Ye Lixiao coldly asked.

Xing Luo's eyebrow twitched, "Master Xiao, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. Don't worry, the clothes are clean."

The clothes actually belong to a friend of hers. In the past four years, it was not that Xing Luo never even came back even once. There was just a handful of times that she did come back and even then, she never goes back to Mu Family even once.

The only people who had been to this house was just a few friends that she had met abroad.

"….." Ye Lixiao's eyes narrowed dangerously and didn't take the clothes.

Xing Luo: "Master Xiao, don't you want to wear it? If you don't want to wear it, then I'll keep it away."

Ye Lixiao's face looked gloomy. After a while, he only said, "I have spare clothes in my car."

He handed the car key to Xing Luo and motioned to her to go get the clothes.

Xing Luo's eyes twitched. He had spare clothes?

Since he had spare clothes, why didn't he say it earlier?

Xing Luo took the car key in anger and went to retrieve the spare clothes.

After Ye Lixiao put on the clothes, he didn't stay any longer. Without saying anything more, he left Mirage Land with his own things.

He seemed to be…. angry.

Xing Luo felt somewhat inexplicable. Why on earth was Ye Lixiao angry for?

Since she couldn't understand why she stopped thinking about it. If Ye Lixiao broke off all connection with her, it would be wonderful…..

The next day, at the opening ceremony of "Army's Spirit".

All the media from all industry were already prepared at the scene.

The celebrities' nanny cars also came one after another.

The first to get out of the car and walked the red carpet was naturally the male and female lead of "Army's Spirit", namely Yan Yiren and Feng Yi.

Feng Yi was the entertainment circle's top Film Emperor with tens of millions of fans. He was currently one of the hottest stars in the industry.

Today, Yan Yiren was in a bright red evening dress. It made her original beauty and alluring appearance became even more tender and beautiful.

All the media's camera immediately pointed in Yan Yiren's direction.

She walked towards the stage with a smile plastered on her face.

All the reporters scrambled to ask their own questions, "Miss Yiren, there are rumors that you would be engaged to Pei Qingzhan, the heir of the Pei Group, is this true?"

"Miss Yiren, what kind of role will you play in "Army's Spirit"?"

"With the role this time, do you have any confidence to win the Golden Tiger Award for Film Empress?"

Yan Yiren smiled generously and responded gently and calmly to all the questions, "If there really is engagement, I will definitely notify everyone."

"This time in "Army's Spirit", I play the role of someone who could sacrifice everything for true love. In order to follow the person that she loves, she's willing to do anything, so the story begins. As for the following storylines, I won't say much. Wait until after it was broadcasted, then the story will unfold for everyone to see. I still need to ask everyone to please follow and support "Army's Spirit"!"

"As for the Golden Tiger Reward…..there are a large number of talents in the entertainment industry, so I can only say that I will try my best. As I have tried my best, I will not have any regrets or complaints when the final winner is announced."

Yan Yiren responded perfectly to all those questions.

Originally, the reporters wanted to continue to ask more questions, but their attentions were stolen by noise bought by the commotions that happened from behind…..

Yan Yiren had a bad premonition. As she raised her eyes to look, she saw Xing Luo in a slim-fitting pale pink evening gown as she walked elegantly on the red carpet. She put her hair up in a soft bun and her face only had a touched of makeup. However, she looked extremely beautiful!

"My God! Who is that? She's too beautiful! If compare with her, Yan Yiren is simple inadequate!"

"Is she also one of "Army's Spirit's" actress? Her attractiveness index is basically out of this world!"

"Her temperaments are also very noble! She definitely will be become popular!"