Chapter 45 – Beloved Xing-er

ACS, the world's top royal handmade chocolate brand, produced only one thousand pieces of chocolates every year for certain royal members. In other words, this was something that you would not be able to buy even if you have money.

At the peak of its season, the price of this chocolate could even be several of tens thousand for one piece!

In the box that the staff member was holding, there was at least more than ten pieces in it!

Who was it that actually so generous?

Everyone started to discuss it, "Which nouveau riche that send that chocolate over here? The price of that one box of chocolate could reach at least several million!"

"It should be from one of the leading actors' suitor?"

"Could it be from Yan Yiren's fiance?"

Someone asked, but both the staff members also did not know who was the sender. Even the receiver also they did not know is who.

Everyone also speculated that it was most probably sent by Pei Qingzhan since he and Yan Yiren was about to get engaged.

The actress no.3, Tang Jiarong, looked at Yan Yiren with envy, "Yiren-jie, is this the surprise that Mr Pei prepared for you? That's why there was no clear sender name! I really envy you for having a boyfriend who loved you so much!"

Yan Yiren smiled shyly for she also thought that it was a surprise that Pei Qingzhan prepared for her, "I also did not expect that he would prepare such a good gift for me. It's my fortune to be his lover."

Tan Jiarong: "Yiren-jie, you faster go and receive the gift! There might be a small card with notes from Mr Pei for you in the bouquet! Faster go and see what he said to you!"

Yan Yiren nodded and walked towards the two staffs with a smile. Tan Jiarong followed with a gossipy face and thoughts of joining in the fun. The other leading actors also looked over curiously one after another.

The reporters even pressed their shutter to capture this moment….

"He's really worthy of being the heir of Pei Family, so romantic! He didn't hesitate to spend money to buy a smile for the beauty!"

"The most popular person today is none other than Yan Yiren!"

"I also wanted to have such a boyfriend! I'm so envious!"

Hearing those envious comments, Yan Yiren's eyes flashed with triumph. Her gaze indistinctly swept towards Xing Luo as if showing off.

Xing Luo, did you see this? The man you loved the most loved me!

Yan Yiren took the bouquet and turned the bouquet around. She then found a beautiful greeting card.

Tang Jiarong leaned closer and wanted to see the content of the card also.

Yan Yiren opened the greeting card….

Tang Jiarong read out the content when she saw it, "Beloved Xing-er, I miss you so much…."

Tan Jiarong's voice suddenly stopped and the smile on her face also instantly froze.

Beloved Xing-er? This was obviously not a gift for Yan Yiren!

Originally, Tang Jiarong wanted to pleased Yan Yiren by reading out the content on the greeting card that was written by Pei Qingzhan. Wasn't it worthy to show off such a romantic thing?

As Tang Jiarong read it out and told the world how good Pei Qingzhan was treating Yan Yiren to satisfy Yan Yiren's vanity, her relationship with Yan Yiren would naturally become closer afterwards.

However, after she read it out loud, she noticed that there was something wrong…..

The originally noisy environment that was filled with laughter suddenly became quiet….

Yan Yiren read the contents on the card clearly and her expression uncontrollably sank.

"Beloved Xing-er~ I wish you all the best~ I miss you so much~ Obediently wait for me in Country Z~"

At the end of it was not a person's name but was a drawing of the Big Dipper.

[TN: The Big Dipper (US, Canada) or the Plough (UK, Ireland) is a large asterism consisting of seven bright stars of the constellation Ursa Major.]

Beloved Xing-er?

Among all the leading actors, only Xing Luo's name had the word 'Xing'. Both the bouquet and chocolate was obviously a gift to Xing Luo!