Chapter 49 – Why Don’t Slap For Real

Lu Yao was a tomboy and because of this, she was misunderstood as a man and was assigned to the male dormitory.

She was inherently a little bit naughty and was a hooligan. Compare to other men, she was even faster when it came to flirting with girls. When she saw a beautiful young lady, she would not be able to hold herself back and would directly flirt with them.

When she saw the female lead Luo Lu, who is Yan Yiren, Lu Yao went to flirt with her for a bit. However, Luo Lu already had someone in her heart. She joined this place by following the male lead. It was only natural that she couldn't tolerate being flirt by another man. She raised her hand and gave Lu Yao a slap on the face.

All the lead actors finished, they make-up one after another and got into their position….

With Yao Junzhen's order, scene #3 start.

After Xing Luo acted frivolously towards Yan Yiren, it reached the part in the plot where she would be slapped.

Yan Yiren raised her hand and lightly slapped Xing Luo's face before she finally fell down gently…..

"Cut!" Yao Junzhen frowned, "What's wrong with you, Yan Yiren? Even if it was a fake slap, you must also swing your hand with more strength. Such a weak swing did you not eat any rice!"

"I'm sorry, director. It's my fault, but I have never filmed any slapping scene before. I don't dare to use force because I scared that I will hurt Luo Luo." Yan Yiren replied submissively.

"Do it again! Remember to swing your hand with strength. When it was about to touch her face only you pull back! Xing Luo just need to turn her head around! Yao Junzhen shouted in reply."

"Okay, director. I will try my best." Yan Yiren nodded.

However, at the beginning of the second take, the hand that she swung out was like a woman acting coquettishly. It still did not have any strength in it.

"Cut! Yan Yiren! You think you are Xishi or do you think you are Lin Daiyu? How can you act so weak and delicate! I ask you to use strength!" Yao Junzhen yelled.

"This….I'm sorry, Director. I have never filmed any fake slapping scene before. So, I'm not very good at it. Please give me another chance!" Yan Yiren said anxiously.

Right at this moment, Tang Jiarong who was standing at the side on standby suddenly said: "Director Yao, why don't just slap for real? The effect from a real slap is even better, isn't it? Anyway, Yiren-jie also don't really have much strength and won't be able to really hurt Xing Luo!"

Qin Xiaoxue also opened her mouth, "Right, Director Yao. Yiren-jie had never filmed any fake slapping scene before. Aren't you making things difficult for her if you want her to make it in 1 take? If you want this scene to end quickly, then just let Yiren-jie slap for real. When we were still a newcomer, which of us had never been hit for real? I believe Xing Luo will not mind also."

Xing Luo raised her eyebrows. Who said she won't mind? Why don't she(QXX) step forward and let her sleep for a few rounds?

Xing Luo looked at Yan Yiren who was wearing the aura of a Film Empress. Her expression was filled with embarrassment as she hesitated, "It's not good like this. I don't want to hurt Luo Luo….."

"Okay, don't be so long-winded. Then just slap for real in 1 take!" Yao Junzhen immediately made the decision. Then he looked at Xing Luo, "Xing Luo, sorry. You will have to put up with this."

"It's okay. Since senior Xiaoxue said that newcomers had to go through being hit for real, what reason do I have to not accept it?" Xing Luo's eyes were smiling, but her smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes.

"This….since DIrector Yao already said so. Then, I'll try to hit for real. Luo Luo, I'm sorry." Yan Yiren's face was filled with remorse, but her eyes were telling another story.

Today, she must slap Xing Luo's hateful face until it swelled!

"Okay! Take 3!" Filming started again shortly after a scream from Yao Junzhen.

This time, when Yan Yiren swung her hand, it was no longer feeble like the previous 2 times. There was even some light breeze when she swung her hand towards Xing Luo….

However, right when the palm was about to touch Xing Luo's face, Xing Luo suddenly turned her head and fell on the ground….