07- Come For Lunch!!!

Fine, we are going! The three-part their ways.

Yu Zhiyuan looked back and said we will eat meals together.

Who is eating with you? Just save your breath and go.

I'll wait for you, come early!

Is he mad or something? Forget this mad man, I should just unpack my luggage first and go for lunch. I am actually hungry. Ahhh, I'll fill you soon don't worry. (Masha said while looking at her stomach)

When she reaches her room, she becomes stunned by seeing that her room is actually between Su Jingmei and Song Yirong rooms.

Can my luck be worse than this?

Now I should just adjust here. Masha is feeling a killer aurora from both sides.

Don't worry Masha nothing is going to happen, these are just two years, yeah just two years?

Ahhh but why it is feeling like my hell cell is getting smaller and smaller, would I be able to fit here for two years? Masha is murmuring to herself

She went into her room by passing from these killing stares and closed the doors immediately. Bang! And took a calming breath as she just won a quest.

Masha unpacked her luggage but doesn't set her luggage instead throw everything here and there. That doesn't look like a lady's room but more like a storeroom.

After spreading her clothes and other things here and there, she even shamelessly complimented herself. Masha how clean you are, now saw everything is in its designated place and it is also very easy to find everything. You really are easygoing, excellent job!


Now I am extremely hungry, I should grab something to eat first and I think today is our introductory class. I should especially keep my distance from the teachers here. Don't know why but teachers usually don't like me. I can't figure it out till now and I don't want to!

(sigh) who cares!!

She is leaving her room again, passing from those killing stares, she finally reached the kitchen.

Oh, this is the kitchen. This is extremely big. There is a corner where the cook is distributing food to students and it is a big hall with tables designed in rows and columns. There are tables with mostly four seats and six seats. Many students already formed their groups and are eating with their friends and talking about the school and classes.

As she entered the dining hall, everyone's gaze got fixed on her again. She feels somehow uncomfortable but she doesn't stop and keep going.

Everyone is staring at her, not because of her early troubles but because she is still wearing her town clothes especially her hooded cloak. It looks like she doesn't even intend to remove them either but actually, she forgot to get changed and many students here don't even know about her previous troubles yet.

She keeps going, took food from the cook, and sit in a corner seat beside the window. By that window, you can actually see a beautiful passage with different colored flowers around it. This is an extremely beautiful view.

Due to her previous scenes, nobody intends to eat with her nor does she want any accompany. After having a keen view around her she puts her plate and soup bowl on the table. She wanted to eat but when she passed a glance at the food, it is all green vegetables and green soup. After she took a view, it is like even her eyesight went green.

She said to herself green, green, green, are they feeding animals or humans? Is this even human food? No meat, no spices, just what the hell is this? Am I supposed to eat this animal food for two years? I will die by eating this for a few days! (sigh)

May be food tastes good, I should try this. She takes one spoon of soup and she starts coughing.

Ahhh…. Is this a soup or bitter medicine? I can't drink this, I can't!!!!!

During tasting this bitter soup, here comes another surprise. He is Yu Zhiyuan at the entrance.

Ahhh, why does he come? She tries to cover her whole face by pulling her hooded cloak on her face but among all white-colored angles being only one in black attire made her more visible and he started shouting; Hey My Goddess, why didn't you wait for me? I am coming, he took a plate from the cook and went toward her.

She puts her one leg on one chair, other on the second chair from under the table and put her food plate on the seat beside her and said; Aw, there is no seat left for you, she is actually sitting on four chaired table and she herself filled all chairs.

It is an awkward scene but who cares when they two had already created big events earlier, this is nothing as they two are equally cheeky!!!

Hey, I don't have any seats left! You can go and find another comfortable seat!

Please go!

I am not going, lift your plate, I'll sit beside you.

(overly proud face) But this seat is already occupied.

I am just being a seat keeper by putting my plate. (awkward smile)

For whom, you are saving this seat? (Zhiyuan asked with a little bit of jealousy)

This seat?

Ahhh, Ahhh? (Masha in confusion)

She suddenly saw someone. (Masha murmured; here comes my savior, he is that person who called us for lunch, that gentleman, maybe)

He is passing beside them holding his plate.

Hey, where are you going? Didn't you say come for lunch? Here I am saving a seat for you. Come and eat with me? Masha asked him.

(at least he won't cause trouble, yeah)

Oh, you are saving a seat for him? He called both of us. That's good, we can eat together. Zhiyuan said.

Zhiyuan pulled a chair from another table and placed it with her table and just sit on that chair.

Masha was stupefied! What are you doing? Can't you see a full table, there is no room for you, just go.

Here is, saw I am already sitting. Hehehe…. Zhiyuan replied proudly.

You, you, you are so....!!!!!!

A voice comes from behind, you two stop this already, don't you know the manners of eating, stop bickering.


They look upward, he is that gentleman whom she was invited for lunch.

He is in white robes with handsome features, he is looking just like an angel!!!

Oh, fine!!!!!!

Lift your plate? He asked.


I said, isn't this seat for me? Oh, yeah!! Sit, sit. She lifts her plate and he sits with them.

(Masha looking awkwardly at them)