He went to the dining hall in a daze and they were already eating. It was the same scene as always; Han Wuji Expressionless, Yu Zhiyuan Staring and smiling at Masha, Han Weiyan having a bright smile on his face and as always Masha had an annoyed face because of Yu Zhiyuan. It was all same. So, he pretended he didn't notice anything and started eating. After eating she went to her room got changed and then straight to the classroom. It was still time left before class but when she entered all the students were already present and Yu Zhiyuan was saving a desk for her besides him.
There were no empty desks left so she went to that desk which was located between Han Wuji and Yu Zhiyuan, and got seated. After a while master entered the class and gave a sharp side glance to Masha. She was noticing clearly that this old man holds some grudges against her and definitely will make things difficult for her. But, she wasn't afraid of anything as she was always a free-spirited person and don't afraid of difficulties. So, she just decides to go with the flow and intentionally doesn't cause any trouble. The teacher got seated and Masha was in front of desks straight in Masters' view, she tried hard to avoid any eye contact with that old man and bent down her eyes.
Today we are going to make groups; master said. There was a bowl in front of him in which there were chits with all students' names noted down.
If you already have a good partner, you can tell me now so, I won't draw your name.
Han Wuji was seem wanted to say something but holding back, and a sudden voice came.
Master! I have a partner, I have, it was a loud voice and as expected he was Yu Zhiyuan.
Who? Pointed at Masha, she. I want her on my team. She was trying to cover her face with her hooded cloak but failed and then stood up and said don't worry master I will follow your arrangements!!!
Here Lady Song Yirong and Su Jingmei were looking with the hope that may they will be grouped with Han Wuji or Yu Zhiyuan.
But the master had a little smirk on his face and he started making groups but the name of those two showcase butterflies, three leaders, and Masha still didn't come and all the groups were made.
They all were confused and staring at each other.
Masha tried to speak but the master interrupted her with a nod and started talking.
Besides some students, I made all of your groups. I hope you all can adjust well in your groups and make great progress!!!
Masha was disappointed because all those who are left are the ones with whom she doesn't want to make a group but the master didn't let her put her opinion.
Now about those six students who left: as you all know Han Wuji is an excellent and top student of our sect. He always obeys all rules and is a refined mannered person who never tolerates any misbehaving or ill-mannered person. I originally wanted to make the best group for him.
(best? Does he mean these three elites, then what about me? Will he make my group with these showcases? No, this can't happen, they will eat me alive let alone any progress in my cultivation! Now, I can even accept Yu Zhiyuan but not them!! Please not them, not them!!)
Master continues: but as you know I am a rightful person, I want all my students to be elite and refined but there are some people who are unruly and arrogant. So, I should put them first for their character development. You must know whom I am talking about (whispering), yeah, I am putting Wang Masha with Han Wuji. (he glanced at Masha and it looks like he is planning something, looks like he is deliberately putting her with Han Wuji, but why? Is Han Wuji that scary?)
(Thanks to heaven, he is at least better than those showcases)
And as Yu Zhiyuan is my close friend's son and he is asking to team up with this girl, I can't decline him. So, Han Wuji, Wang Masha, and Yu Zhiyuan will form a group from now.
And Ze Deshi will be with these two ladies, I hope Ze Deshi you can guide and lead them well, they are willful and good at fighting, they will not disappoint you, I have high hopes with you!!
Now everything is settled, you can go now and come tomorrow on the time, for practice and don't be late (pointing at Masha). Ok, master, thanks for your guidance, and they are dismissed.
(some got disappointed in the grouping but some seemed to be very satisfied, Han Wuji seemed to be calm and Yu Zhiyuan was like flying to heaven while Ze Deshi looked extremely angry and disappointed)
In this grouping session, the morning was already passed and it was noon and in satisfaction and disappointment, it become afternoon soon. Now, let's go. I am hungry. Ok, let's go eat something, and then we will go around the school, Yu Zhiyuan said.
Isn't the back school area is forbidden area for new students? It is, but we have Wuji.
Since when did you become so close to him as you are even calling him by his birth name?
Aren't we friends and now also a group, we two are partners and we three will become soulmates of adventures, that's why we are close and we should be close (sincere smile)
(Han Wuji clenched his fists in disappointment but also have some relief on his calm-looking face)
Everything seems to be right. But who is your partner? I am not in love with you or something, stop confusing others and stop spreading rumors!!
You are not, but soon you will be!! (smile)
She steps on his foot and said not now and it never will be!!
Now shut up. Hey, Han Wuji why aren't you talking?
Wuji!!! Han Wuji said.
Huh??? (Masha confused)
You can call me Wuji.
See he took us as his soulmates already, now you should take us as your close friends.
We will see…...
They ate their lunch. Yu Zhiyuan proudly told about grouping to Han Weiyan.
Can't you just eat your food?
No, I can't. (smile)
After eating, they six went to back school, there was a lake behind the school and it was freezing cold there. Han brothers were alright there but Ze Deshi and Yu Zhiyuan were feeling a little cold but Masha was seeming to be really affected by this freezing cold area (since she was a fire element, cold deeply affected her), but they didn't understand why she is feeling bad but Ze Deshi noticed; does she really have a fire element or she is just a lag girl who can't bare cold?
Since Zhiyuan had a Wind element he helped her with hot blowing wind which made her somehow comfortable.
What is this place? Ze Deshi asked.
Weiyan replied; this is the meditation place it helps us in healing, whenever we are injured we came here for healing and mind relaxing but this place seems to have some other secret also, our elders don't easily let us here.
Han Wuji gave him a nod and he stopped talking. (nobody is allowed to talk about their sect to non-members)
Masha changed the topic, can anyone come here and get healing?
No, only Water Clan people can heal here.
Then does every elemental clan have their healing valley?
Yes, there are four elements and all people with this elemental energy has the ability to heal themselves and all clans have their own healing place with their elemental attributes, Wuji replied.
Ok, fine. But I can't stand this place anymore, let's just go. At this, they all headed towards the school but Lady Su Jingmei saw them returning from the forbidden place. And she got a good chance to take revenge on her.
Masha returned to her room for rest and they all leave her there and went on their ways.
Now, it becomes night and dinner time Zhiyuan and Wuji came to take her along but she refused and said she don't want to eat and not feeling well and let them leave. (she can't eat as she already promised Weiyan to take him out. So, she definitely will eat her favorite food tonight)
Before going to sleep they two took some food for her and some medicine and gave her, wished her good health, and went to sleep. At the decided time, she heard a knock at her window, she got up in hurry, ran towards the window and saw Han Weiyan.
Little Wei, you are here, let's go (they talked in slow voice)
She took him with her towards the wall and told him to jump. He hesitated for a while. She told him about the bushes and asked him not to shout after falling into the bushes. He was a little afraid but trusted her and jumped the wall and as she had told he fell in bushes but he controlled his screams. Then in a while, she comes down after jumping the wall, and then they started moving towards the town. He didn't know the way as he never has been out so, she leads the way.
But before entering the town she remembered her previous running performance in a restaurant. So, before entering she asked him to buy two masks, for as not to get recognized.
He agreed to her and he bought to masks and wear them. Then they entered the town.
He was amazed after seeing many people rushing here and there with their loved ones. It was very colorful. It was his first time out so he was very excited and wanted to go to all the stores and buy things and taste all foods here. He was running from one store to another, she stopped him and asked him for money. He gave her his money bag. There were many silver teals inside, you bought so much money with you, where did you get this money? I took this from my brother without telling him. (awkward smile) Did you steal? No, I just borrow it and I will return soon!!
(evil smile) why will you return, isn't Wuji your brother? And my friend, we can spend as much as we want, let's go!!!
Then these two money fools went into town...