Blast (Part 2)


Cautious Hero


"My, my, didn't I tell you to be careful with your hands?"

An old lady. Probably in her mid 50-60's said. Her tone was filled with worry, reprimand, and curiosity. She wore a white lab coat, her hair was tied in a bun, and some sort of headgear was attached to her head.

In my old world, she could be considered a weirdo.

An old granny cosplayer.

A tranny-

"Are you thinking something bad about me...?"

"Of course not. You're my benefactor. It would be ungrateful of me to think bad of you. Miss Recovery Girl."

"Ho ho, you really did change."

Surprisingly, this time, my bloodlust didn't leak out.

"Really? Then I guess my hero persona is working?"

I wonder... have I accepted myself as Katsuki Bakugo?

"Hero persona? I remember Toshi making one when he was debuting..."


"Ho ho, an old student. He was very much like you. A reckless little rascal."

As she says so, she picked up a small capsule. Opening it, blue little orbs popped out.


I took one.


Surprisingly, I could feel the pain emanating from my hands lessening. A pain killer disguised as a gummy... Truly, this place is a real training ground for future child soldiers.

"Well then, you best be on your way now, lest Aizawa-kun gets angry at you."

"No it's okay, I'm only a few minutes late, he wouldn't mind."

Waving my hand, I grabbed my backpack and pulled a red notebook. Pitch black words were written on the cover, it says 'Quirk Counter and Offense'. With my legs placed on top of each other, a pen in hand, I directed a composed gaze at the old heroine.

"I'm actually a little curious about your Quirk. Would you mind telling me a bit about it?"

Recovery girl glanced at the watch in her hands before she adopted a thinking expression. After a few seconds, she sighed and asked.

"I could tell you... but first, can you tell me why you asked?"

"Well, I'm actually a little curious about Quirks. You see, after my battle with All For One, my Quirk changed."

"Changed? Can you explain to me how?"

Pulling out a fake glasses from my inner pocket, I wore it and sported an intellectual expression. Opening my book, I flipped a page where it says 'Katsuki Bakugo' at the top and the word 'Counter' at the bottom.

"My Quirk 'Explosion' lets me release nitroglycerin-like sweat from my palms. But after I ruptured my veins, I could release them from my entire arm."

"Hoh? Interesting... would you mind letting me check your arms?"

I nodded.

I approached her and placed my hands on her table. She took a pair of gloves and inspected them. Pulling up my sleeves, she gasped at the scar, zigzagging on my skin.

"...My, it must've hurt."

I would like to deny it, but it hurt like hell so I'll just give a punctual nod.

"Can you activate your Quirk?"

Closing my eyes, I imagined a hand grenade. Pulling the pin, tiny explosions erupted from my palm.

"Hm, nothing seems to be different..."

Before she could finish her words, I imagined a volcano erupting. With red lava trailing down its mouth, the orange glow changed. My veins glowed bright scarlet, and instead of only my palms, my entire arm lit up in bright orange. Like a log coated in gunpowder, my arm sparked golden.

"...This is surprising."

Her eyes grew wide. It seems this is her first time encountering this. Oh, well. It looks like my plan for fishing information from a veteran is a bust. Should I just continue surfing the web...? Nah, those conspiracy theorist scares me.

"It seems due to you overusing your Quirk, your Quirk factor got destroyed. If you weren't treated immediately, then you could've lost your Quirk. Luckily, you experienced the rare phenomenon called 'Quirk Awakening' that only happens in 1% of chosen individuals."

I guess I should head to class--


What the fuck did she just say?

"Hm, with this, your Quirk will become even stronger. I'm looking forward to what you will achieve in the future. Bakugo-kun."

No, wait, wait, wait. I could've lost my Quirk? Quirk Awakening? 1% of chosen individuals? The fuck?

"Uhm, I'm sorry... I was zoning out earlier. Could you repeat that?"

"Ho ho, I was saying that you were extremely fortunate. Don't be reckless next time, okay?"

"No, I-, anyway, what's Quirk Awakening?"

Opening a new chapter from my book, I wrote the words 'Quirk Awekening' and waited for her to answer with an eager expression on my face.

"Quirk Awakening... it is a rare occurrence where an individual's Quirk goes past his or her limits."

"That's very vague. Could you be more specific?"

"Hmm, to be honest, even I don't know it myself. It was only in theory that stated it was possible. But now..." Her partially closed eyes opened. She looked at me with a curious gaze. A gaze that befits crazy scientists looking at their test subjects. "You have proved that theory to be true."

For some reason– I think fishing for information seems like a skewed statement. It should be–

–Digging for my grave.

"I see..."

I gulped. Nervously, I closed my notebook and placed it slowly in my backpack. Wrapping the straps on my shoulders, I stood up from my seat.

Facing Recovery Girl's warm smile, I bowed.

"Thank you for healing my arms, Recovery Girl-sensei. It seems I'm late to class, so I'll be heading off now."

Dear God.

"Ho, but I would like it if you stay for a while~? I still haven't answered your question right? Why don't you take a seat and I'll tell you all about my quirk?"

I thought that Nezu was a special case,

"Thank you for the offer, but I think heading to class should be my main priority. Aizawa-sensei might get mad at me."

Hurrying for the door, I glanced at the small old granny. My killing intent flashed for a second before vanishing once I closed the door. Gazing at the silent hallway, I muttered cautiously.

"As I thought, this school is full of dangerous people."

I shouldn't have given my information like that. Now they know what I'm capable of. If I decide to take over the world, I wouldn't be able to surprise attack them by using my whole arm to conjure explosions.

"What a waste."

But is it really though? Perhaps I'm just being delusional, thinking that everyone in this world is against me. After all, if I want to become the Symbol of Peace/World Conqueror, wouldn't I use my whole arm if the situation becomes dangerous?

...I still think they might use this information against me.

One can never be too careful.


Katsuki Blaze

Unstable Delusional Schemer

Quirk: Explosion (Awakened), ???, ???


"I believe I mentioned this yesterday, but for now, class 1-A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional licenses."

Sitting right behind the class, I listened closely to what my teacher is saying. As a... productive(?) and hardworking(?) student, I am obligated to follow my teacher's teachings, so that I could become a proper member of this society.

"Yes, sir!" We all shouted in unison.

Now, I am no longer the gangster, Viktor, but a... learning(?) and developing(?) member of society. To become a fully pledged member of society, it is required of me to graduate a constitution called 'High School'.

According to Katsuki Bakugo's memories, the school has different stages. In order to clear them, you have to adapt to each level, or beat them through sheer force, just like what Katsuki did. Although I am more inclined to just bulldoze my way through these levels, the final boss is very hard to beat.

~10 minutes before Viktor's cultural development~

"Viktor! Why are you late!" A gruff man yelled at me.

I saluted to the said gruff man and shouted back. "Because I am late, sir!"

"Well, you are not allowed to be late! If you are late again, I will cut your limbs!" he said.

I nodded my head in understanding and said.

"You can peacefully go sexual intercourse yourself, sir!"

And then in a couple of minutes, I was subdued, humiliated, and stepped on. Not physically, but mentally, and spiritually.

After staring at me with his evil eyes of erasure, Aizawa-sensei tied me up like a mummy and hung me upside down near the garden. After listening to his 5-minute pep talk, I now fully understood the ways of a student.

1.One must listen to their teachers.

2.One must follow the rules.

3.One must not disobey the teachers.

4.I forgot but it was probably important.

Therefore, I now understood what it means to be a student, inside a school, inside a society, inside a country, and inside a world.

I understood that by speaking eloquently, I could look much smarter than my peers, and look down on them as pieces of trash because my IQ is higher than them.

Fancy speaking = Big brain

~End of Flashback~

And now, Viktor Blaze the uneducated fool is gone.

Only Katsuki Blaze the educated gentleman is here.

"Bakugo. Are you listening?"

While I was busy remembering the events earlier, Aizawa-sensei called for me. Looking around, I noticed his hair floating. Judging by the way he's clutching that unbreakable scarf of his, and that dry-eyed look he's sending me, he's probably using his evil eyes of erasure.

"Yes, sensei!"

I shouted enthusiastically. Only for his scarf to wrap around my body and drag me outside.

"Come up with at least 3 ultimate moves and I'll let you off for not listening in class."

"Yes, sensei!"

Ultimate moves? Psh~! That shit's easy.

'You are not allowed to use your Quirk.'

Hm, oh, yeah. Recovery Girl did say something like that. She said something about wounds opening every now and then is bad, that is why I should stop opening them lest they stay open.

"Aizawa-sensei, pardon me for my rudeness but I would have to refuse your orders."

"...What? Why are you talking like that?"

"Hero Persona, and the school's number 1 nurse, the most youthful, most beautiful, and most compassionate teacher advised me not to use my Quirk or else..."

Aizawa-sensei narrowed his eyes. Seemingly suspicious about my polite but shameless words.

"You're not lying to me, are you?"

Aizawa-sensei that's not what you are supposed to say. Isn't it supposed to be 'I see, well, you're excused for the time being.'. Even an idiot could tell you're being suspicious of me.

"Oh." I adoption a surprised expression. "How could I dare! Aizawa-sensei do I look like the type to lie to you!?"

"You do."

Aizawa-sensei you're wrong again. The line you're supposed to use is 'Hm, I'll look into it.' while looking stoically composed. This is just blatant suspicion of my character. Are we forming some sort of dynamic now?

"Eh, my arms are broken though."

"They don't look--"


"See?" I presented both of my arms.

"You just broke your leg."


I stared at my broken left leg.

Damn. Who says professionals don't do rookie mistakes? And, didn't that article say that when a student is injured, he is excused from class? I am perfectly injured here!

"I see. Just kidding!" Smiling, I snapped my leg back in its place. "I can still create ultimate moves without using my Quirk though~."

Is Bakugo even supposed to behave like this? Obviously not. Because Aizawa-sensei's stare says otherwise. Perhaps he was unnerved, Aizawa-sensei just casually ignored my eccentricity and proceeded to lead me to a place called Gym Gamma.

Arriving at some sort of cement-made warehouse, I opened the gates and looked around. I could see my classmates using their Quirks, practicing their ultimate moves. I could only stare at them blanky and shake my head.


Why practice when you can just use your secret weapon?

Do they not have it?


Sigh, I guess as a few years senior of these kids, I could teach them a thing or two—

"U-Uhm! K-Kachan! Fight with me!"


"Could you please fucking repeat that?"

Ah. I broke character.


Editing is hard. Am sleep. Give power stones later~.....