It looks like it's gonna be a soggy day with heavy downpours. There are lightning strikes everywhere in the sky. The flowing mud has left roads covered in a thick layer of debris. The whole village is silent, as though gunmen have broken through.

It's a planting season; everyone is expected to get ready for their fields to avoid the hunger strike.For many villages, thunderclaps serve as a dependable alarm that allows them to leave their bedrooms on time.

Bravoria glances out his tiny window to see what the outside world is like now that the rain has stopped.

To remind his wife of the time they decided to begin, he gestures toward her. However, the wife grunts and says it's too early to travel because she thinks everyone is still asleep.

A beam of light enters the couple's shelter, making a drowsy and hissing noise. When Bravoria wakes Prisca to get her ready for field work, she lets out a deep sigh and moans in response to hearing her husband's voice. It appears sleeping is more enjoyable to her than putting food on the table.

She usually hesitates to wake up early before having food dreams, and she detests working in the early hours of the day.

When she asks the husband if he bought breakfast, he tells her that he never came home with money because business has never gone well for him. "I don't have enough energy to plant seeds today. Are you really that kind of husband to starve your wife? Well, let's move on. I sympathize with poor husbands." She attacked her spouse. Bravoria gets her on carrier of his bicycle and rides his way to the their field. It was quite distant from their home. Even though they reach there on time the wife complains to him saying,"My bum are in pain because of this bike,oh no! Will I be able to stretch my back!"

Bravoria, on the other hand, doesn't care about her irrational complaints and instead starts planting; his wife follows suit after a little rest. After a few hours of sowing their seeds, Prisca becomes extremely exhausted and begs her husband to allow her to return home. Bravoria became enraged and inquired about the length of time Prisca had been working. Prisca replied, "Did you feed me in the morning,huh? I've lost all of the energy I had from the food I ate yesterday because of this laborious work. Please allow me to go home so I can cook something if you're still strong. "All right, you can ride this bike to reach faster," her husband says to her.

Bravoria treats his wife with kindness and concern, but she refuses to acknowledge her husband's affection, telling him that walking is preferable to riding a bike that will burn her internal organs on uneven terrain. Bravoria also fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon, grabbed his bike, and headed home after she left him working.

When he returned home, he was extremely exhausted and feeble from exerting more of his energy on the land. He got off his bike and placed it on the hallway. He asked his wife to fill up the water so he could take a shower, and she did so while tending to him. She displayed this submission because she thought her husband would chastise her for leaving him to work in the field.

Bravoria spoke with her about getting to work as early as possible the next day. Prisca rejects her husband's suggestion, claiming she still has some difficulties and body aches that prevent her from doing anything, and the husband's words hit her soul like a shot of rabies. If there is something which irritates Bravoria is to be forced arguing with his wife. To avoid having unnecessary squabbles with her, he thinks of getting people to work for him under bound condition. In order to help him complete the job on schedule, Mr. Bravoria made the decision to pay the church with the little money he had discovered through his marketing. All of this was done to appease his spouse. After a week, Bravoria informed his wife that the field work was finished and the planting was complete. However, Prisca betrays her husband's lack of gratitude by not expressing her gratitude for his well-thought-out plan, instead merely responding with "ok." Bravoria departs to pursue his marketing ventures. Without her husband's knowledge, Prisca calls her old friends from City Town to pay her a visit after her man. She seems to be losing faith in him and her respect for him. The blood that runs through her veins knows the secret to the invitation she extended to her friends. These guys finished their senior year of school and headed out to town. Prisca was left behind in the village since she married right after completing her secondary schooling.

As her friends approached her place, she noticed how they were dressed and looked."Prisca, how are you doing, our dear friend?" they exclaim.In response, Prisca says, "As you can see by my appearance, I'm quite well friends. My life has been in discomfort zone."Her friends inform her that they were astounded to see her in that condition as well. "Since I got married to my illiterate and poor husband my life has been bound to nothing good but sorrows, pains and unhappy life," she says in response to her friends' questions about why she was in that state of life. I am unable to achieve my goals and aspirations; all he oversees is his unsuccessful company. I no longer see us hanging out tomorrow.

I no longer see myself with him in the future. Instead, I want to wed a financially secure man in order to have a happy marriage when I eventually find a wealthy man. Because of her husband's unfortunate circumstances, Prisca was unable to live the opulent life she had always loved.

Her friends expressed their sympathy and said they couldn't fathom Prisca, who was so smart and accomplished academically, ever having to live in poverty. Her friends also talk about how simple it is to locate wealthy men and jobs in the city. "I'll break up with him so that I can do what I really want, my friends. I've really wanted to live like your current life." she declared. Her friends remarked, "Thank you for sharing your heartfelt experience with us."

Prisca is full of negativity when she gets home and considers divorcing her unfortunate husband. Her husband, hungry from his marketing business, arrives before she gets to the hatch house. Bravoria looks at Prisca, shocked, and asks her why she didn't bring food. Prisca says, "I couldn't manage to cook today, am very weak, but if you're really hungry you can cook something for yourself." Bravoria sits on his wooden chair and begs his wife to bring him food but she leaves him speechless. Lonely and comfortless the husband feels in his own zone of unanswered questions. The reply she gives him really statement irates her husband. Bravoria stands up and confront his wife says, "Don't I leave food with you before I leave the house! I'm from work and I always anticipate food whenever I return from my business,how dare you say I should cook for myself?"

The husband feels alone and helpless in his own world of unsolved questions. Her husband is irritated by the response she gives him. Bravoria confronts his wife and gets up, saying, "Don't I leave you with food before I leave the house! I'm from work and every time I get back from my errand, I look forward to receiving something which can give me energy and strength. How dare you tell me that I should prepare my own food?"

Notwithstanding her husband's indignation, Prisca doesn't back down and instead asks, "Huh? from the workplace? I'm not aware that you are employed; what benefits have I received from your ineffective business ventures? Take a look at me. Did I look like this when you first discovered me? I'm tired and sick of this marriage, listen. You can't buy the things I need, and the clothes my mother left behind before she passed away are what I wear. Which type of spouse are you? There are husbands who provide their spouses with money so they can purchase items they desire and have a happy marriage." She may not value her spouse's hard work and dedication, but she has never gone without food while sleeping or gone nude. Being a wise man, Mr. Bravoria never answered her questions or spoke, preferring to let her speak for herself. He pondered the words that had pierced his heart while sitting outside for some time. Why can't his wife view his creations, he wonders. To ensure that hunger doesn't rule their home, he seldom ever sleeps there. But he has a lot of concerns and doubts about Prisca's current attitude. He therefore considers discussing this issue with his wife's family in order to feel relieved.

Even though it was nighttime, he made the decision to visit his in-law, Mr. Kelly, the husband's father. His goal is to inform Mr. Kelly of his wife's threats to divorce him and of Prisca, his daughter, being treated disrespectfully. Mr. Kelly was Bravoria's elderly father-in-law and lived in a different village. He was living alone after his wife passed away from cancer and their only child, Prisca, wed Bravoria.

That same evening, he traveled to his in-law's village and knocked twice on Kelly, the former Headman. Bravoria knocked a third time, and this time there was an answer. Before opening the door, Mr. Kelly says to himself, "This sounds strange." Who knows who might be at my door at this late hour?" With a slow glance out of the small window, he spots Bravoria. He exclaims, "Hello, my son! Why have you taken a chance by coming here on this particular evening?" asked, much to Mr. Kelly's surprise. Bravoria informs him of their disagreement with his wife and the harm she has been causing him. Bravoria is told by Kelly to return home, and he will visit the next day. Bravoria departed without a word; he arrived home without incident and fell asleep with his eyes wide open and his stomach growling. His father-in-law is also in disbelief.

Early in the morning, Mr. Kelly knocked on his son-in-law's door using his long rod. Bravoria opened it and saw his father there. He grabbed his wooden chair and offered it to him so he could sit.When his wife asked him who was knocking, he replied that it was her father and went inside."My dad? I wonder what motivated him to arrive at this hour. She gets up and gets dressed, and then the two of them emerge with their father. Prisca is still unaware of her father's impending arrival until the father interprets the situation that led to his son-in-law's argument with her husband last night. Her own father also questioned her about the veracity of what his son-in-law had told him. Prisca admits, "Yes, father, everything you said is true. It's good that he brought the issue up to you initially. I need you to say that I can be accepted and respected for my decision. Prisca appears to have outgrown her father's wings. But still Bravoria was gestured to by her father who asked him to call the other in-laws and the elders.

Mr. Kelly lets out a long sigh. Bravoria is informed by him that a father cannot handle his daughter's case. So he gives him the order to inform the elders of her daughter's demands. Bravoria promptly goes to inform the elders and other family members about his wife's proposal. When the in-laws, elders, and relatives arrived, they all asked Mr. Bravoria to explain why he had called them. The elders are taken aback when Bravoria informs them of everything his wife has planned to do which is to file for divorce. Prisca was forced to take a stand in front of them and respond to the in-laws' queries.

In-laws: You have gathered your elders here this evening, our daughter. Please let us know why, after spending so much time together, you now wish to file for divorce from your husband.

Prisca: My father made the decision for me to marry this illiterate and uneducated man, not me. He doesn't have anything and hasn't helped me out financially. Look the way am looking! The clothes you are currently viewing were left by an orphaned mother. I want to break up with him now and go looking for my own wealthy, intelligent, and compatible man, just like my ex-mates have men in the city.

In-laws: Our daughter, are you really certain of what you're saying? It's difficult to find another suitable man after leaving a devoted and caring spouse. The union of a mother and father serves as the ideal illustration of perseverance. They overcame great adversity to raise you all well. You also ought to have followed suit.

Prisca: Of course, I'm confident and adept at what I do. It's my feelings and decision, not your wishes to be vetted.

Prisca appears to have the courage to disobey the elders' advice in this way. She doesn't seem to give up. They get a headache from her. As Prisca does, a young lady is not supposed to defy the elders or accept their opinions in accordance with their cultural customs. It is highly believed that this behavior is forbidden. She is, however, exempt from this because she is a former headsman's child.

In_laws: Mr. Bravoria,have you heard what your wife has said?

Bravoria: I am aware of this.But I don't understand my wife's desire to separate from me. I have no power to influence her decision. I did everything in my power as a man to make her happy, but she doesn't see any good in me. Even though she no longer wants me, my love is still much connected to her.

Prisca: Eeh? Can't you leave without me? Oh no! This time you'll as you used to live before you got married to me.

In_laws: Our daughter,Prisca,love is not based on riches in marriage,look at us, we've been living happy marriages by depending our farming,and we're always happy.

Prisca: Your living can't be mine nor can it be compared to this modern living. Am educated person and my living does suit me to be tied to this man of poverty;I can be wasting my intelligence for nothing.

Bravoria: My in_laws and elders,let her do what seems best to her, deformations are burning my soul right now. I've always done my best to please and love my wife perfectly.

In_Laws: Do you really want to part ways with your husband?

Prisca: I've already told you I'm no longer in need of him.

In_laws: Mr. Bravoria what do you say?Bravoria: My in_laws I've got nothing to say except for my love I have for her.The in_laws, elders and family members of both side witness the cancelation of marriage. Traditionally, marriage was considered to be over when the divorcing person stood up in front of the elders;Prisca did it and the in_laws and elders confirmed and declared the end of their marriage. Since they were still poor, the was nothing which could be shared among themselves.The in-laws, elders and relatives go own their ways.Prisca gets her luggage,and goes home with his father.
Upon arriving back there, Prisca informs his father that she is done with living in the village. Her pals live in the city, and she wants to live there forever. She is looking for a partner who is well-educated and a well-mannered man. Her father claims that given his advanced age and need for her assistance, he is so shocked that her daughter would consider relocating to the city. But nothing matters more to her right now than heading to the City.Despite her claim that he lacks the funds to cover the cost of transportation. However, Prisca suggests that he sell one of his goats or take out a credit card. By selling his goat and giving her the proceeds, Mr. Kelly agrees to his daughter's proposition. As the only kid he had, Prisca left her father without someone to assist him with small tasks. She hopes God's blessings and a tranquil life for his father. She stared at the towers and the women in booty shorts with long ear rings and nose rings for twenty minutes after she first set foot on City's territory. Everything about her is visually stunning and appealing. She contacted her pals to come pick her up from the station after a significant number of minutes had elapsed. The friends picked her up and brought her to their home where they served Prisca a delicious meal and greeted her. Prisca speaks about how she got to the town and describes how she easily and publicly dissolved her marriage in front of everyone. Her friends assured her that she made the correct choice and that she will now lead a new life filled with the genuine happiness she was lacking while she was with the village boy. She discovered a new marriage in the few months she spent in the city. The buddies had pointed this man toward her.Her new spouse, who was formerly well-known in the community as an estate agent, is extremely affluent and successful. This is the human kingdom. Prisca had a lot of goals in life. However, she is too blind to recognize the husband's wealth source.Prisca's extravagant wishes are now realized as she purchases everything she chooses and her spouse grants her every request. Despite her current idyllic existence, she finds it difficult to recall her father's struggles in the village to provide for him financially. All she wants is to be alone and enjoy life.

Prisca doesn't like the lad whom the husband keeps, even if she gets all she asks for. This little orphan youngster had lost both of his parents when he was still a small child. Mr. James was also picked to take care of the youngster and the possessions his parents left behind. Prisca thinks that hanging onto this boy will only make her unhappy. She is unable to determine the boy's biological parents. Given the distance between the youngster's school and home, Prisca was required to prepare the boy a lunch every morning, without fail. However, this little duty is like to trying to move a mountain with just one hand. Due to the repercussions, Prisca began to feel distant from the boy whom Mr. James adores. Since he was aware that the school was far away, he had to order his wife to provide the youngster meals every morning. In this instance, Prisca has to prepare breakfast for the boy, but she only does so for a short while.She despises having to get up early since it means she can't stop mistreating the orphan child, who goes to school hungry because she won't cook for him. The boy's Uncle started seeing odd colors on him. He asks the youngster what issue he might have been having. The boy simply sighed in silence before turning away out of terror. He is aware of Prisca's harshness. Before falling asleep, the husband was racking his brains trying to figure out what was preventing the boy, who was usually under his arms being happy and free. It didn't take long for pupils to gossip about their fellow pupil whose academic performance had declined to spread. It was found that the individual had even stopped taking part in extracurricular and co-curricular activities. A few of the boy's well-known and worried teachers came over and pulled him apart. They got him some food and a soft drink in an attempt to convince him. It was difficult to talk to this boy. He was a quiet yet perceptive young man. He informed them about his living situation with his uncle's wife through amicable questioning. Prisca was clearly at fault based on the scant information they could find, even though the spouse is still unaware of this. More than anyone else, the husband has a strong belief in his wife. Whenever someone in their neighborhood threatens to say anything against Prisca, he always stands up for his wife.

Since it is common knowledge that no tree can remain green without water or moisture, the boy's concern vanished after receiving counseling from his peers and teachers. He takes his complaints about his wife's treatment to his uncle, but he doesn't receive a positive response because his uncle believes discussing his wife's attitude will hurt her feelings. Instead, he assures the lad that things will improve soon.However, Prisca showed no signs of changing, and as a result, the boy's health deteriorated and his appearance changed to the point where even the neighbors were perplexed as to what was wrong with him. The boy was called by one of the neighbors who asked him concerning the sudden change to his appearance;he replies by saying he has been badly and harshly treated by his uncle's wife who doesn't give him food before leaving home for school.

This neighbor discloses to the boy that his uncle is not the the owner of all the assets he's holding instead the boy is;and he continues to say that the riches were left in the hands of uncle James after the boy's parents died a terrible road accident. This was the reason why all the properties were given to uncle James since he was the person kept by his parents.The story became so bad that some of his parents' close friends pulled the youngster away and began telling him about his father's possessions. The boy's neighbor informs him that he, not his uncle, is the rightful owner of everything he is carrying. He goes on to add that uncle James inherited the wealth when the boy's parents perished in a horrific car accident. Uncle James was the only person his parents kept, therefore this was the reason that all of the possessions were entrusted to him. When the child learns the reality, he is taken aback by the peculiar tale and discovers for the first time that he is the rightful owner of his uncle's property.Then, he asks his neighbors (who told him about the things his parents left) for guidance to see if there's any chance he can steal the wealth from his uncle. And is instructed to obtain a summons against his uncle and appear in court. The youngster undoubtedly received this counsel, received a summons, and handed it to his uncle rather than his aunt. The lad took the date-stamped summons to Mr. James with the assistance of his neighbor. Mr. James accepted it, read it, and gave it to his wife. James spent the entire night thinking how the small youngster could have discovered that all I do is look after the wealth. James opened out to his wife by revealing that he was not the asset's owner after learning that the word had spread widely. He acknowledged that the orphaned lad, whose parents passed away while he was a small child, was the rightful owner of all the wealth. Fear and anxiety strike Prisca's heart, as she falls deeply in love with an opulent lifestyle. Her confusion stems from the husband's testimony. When she asks her husband what would happen if he loses the case to the boy, he remains silent since he understands that all he was doing was providing care. Prisca sensed that something was wrong and began to worry about her and her husband's future if their wealth was taken away.

Before he could conclude his conversation with his spouse, he was accompanied to the court by the local law enforcement officials. Along with his wife, a friend, and a few other close relatives, he also went. James complies with the court's orders when the judges ask him to take off his necktie. It is now required of Mr. James to stand on the left side of the court. The wife starts to sob more as he goes forward, acting as though her husband has been taken into custody or has passed away. The judges give the wife the order to leave the courtroom, and an officer leads Prisca outside.

She sobs because she remembers what she was told on the way, not because she feels sorry for her spouse. The lady beside her in the van warned her that if her husband lost the case, poverty would pay him a visit. "If everything goes well with the boy, then both of you will have to become someone's slaves in order to make a living," the individual said. Prisca, your arrogance and self-centeredness will cost you." Prisca was unable to respond to a single sentence.

Everyone is told to stand up and show respect to the judge by the court. James is given the opportunity to defend himself and establish his innocence when the case is read aloud to everyone. James doesn't even waste time; he accepts the judges' interpretation without raising any objections because he is very certain that the orphaned youngster is the rightful owner of the riches and other things. As a result, the court orders that the orphaned boy should receive possession of all the properties which James was managing and holding within two days. And the court lets James leave after penning his signature and is led outside.

His expression appears dejected as he exits, and tears are streaming down his cheeks up to his chin. His spouse hurries over to him and says, "My hun! How was the court ruling, my husband?" she asks, biting her tongue. In response, her spouse says he's had enough and has to pick up his battle for survival anew."Done? Do you mean that you no longer have anything at all? The spouse was questioned by her. When James answers "yes" to her inquiries, Prisca becomes so deeply disturbed that she repeats her query, "How are we going to be living?" James responds that he is unsure at this time. Prisca obviously feels like her life is being watched closely. She must be considering going back to being a villager. Her buddies from the city moved to London to finish their degree. While she continued to reflect on their recent situation, the court guys arrived at lunchtime with orders to remind James to depart and give the youngster full ownership of all the properties. When his wife was asleep at night, he quietly and silently got up as if he wants to shoot an animal and left the house. He never told his wife where he was going, thus he ended up going somewhere unknown.

When Prisca awakens in the morning, her spouse is nowhere to be found in the house. She thinks he may have visited the orchard as he usually does. She keeps calling, but she never gets a response. Meanwhile, the police are there to make sure she and her husband are leaving the house without providing an explanation. Prisca gets her baggage and other opulent items she purchased, but she doesn't have enough money to rent a house—not even enough to pay for the bus fare. She is told to pack everything that belongs to her. Prisca collapses to the ground in despair, not knowing where to go and feeling as though nothing is going to improve for her. She's lucky enough to receive transportation money from a female officer. After expressing her gratitude, Prisca makes the decision to stay in the village where she was raised. She also purchased a ticket at the station in the afternoon.

It is dusk when Prisca arrives at her village. She appears to be so tired that she is dragging her feet. She shakes her head, standing beneath a tree, considering how she will approach her father. "I should meet my former husband before my father; perhaps he may talk on my behalf regardless of my past record," she says. She observes children chasing and playing as she makes her way to her ex-husband. She asks if the home's owner is present by beckoning one of the children. The child, who also happens to be Bravoria's second daughter, responds, "They're." She's startled to find that an affluent Bravoria with his wife's hand on his shoulder is living in the house. Bravoria only stares at Prisca without a word . He merely advises her to depart right now and never return to his place. In front of her, he even brags about his happy marriage to a kind, understanding woman who supports and encourages him in everything he does. Prisca bows in front of the pair, but nothing positive happens. She pleads for pardon. Bravoria is adamant that she go, saying that as long as the sun is shining, he can do nothing at all. Prisca departs and heads to her father's house while crying uncontrollably.

Bravoria's success in the economic world can be attributed to his acumen and perseverance. He may now hire others to do tasks for him. Because of his compassion toward everyone in society, he became a beloved individual. She walks straight to her father's house and knocks repeatedly without getting an answer. Upon hearing a voice from a different residence after her third knock, she asks, "Who are you there, that is knocking? The owner of the house passed away four months ago, therefore no one lives there. Prisca's heart burns at these words. The locals wake up and come outside to witness what is happening as a result of her uncontrollably loud weeping. They discover that the person lying down with dust all over her body is Prisca, the former Headman's daughter. The first ones to wake up began speaking in hushed tones, recalling things that Prisca had done before moving to the city. It is regrettable to have this woman return to our land. She embarrassed her ailing father. It is useless to feel sorry for her, so let's return to our homes. Rather than offering her consolation, those with the strength to be heard by her yelled at her.Others stated within the crown ,"Your father died in your absence because you wanted bags of money, look at your former husband you left her, he's rich now." However, some spotted Prisca acting strangely and decided to take her to the hospital.They argued among themselves, "No member should not be helped based on their mistakes according to our customs and traditions." We are well aware that, in our opinion, attending to someone's health is far more vital than letting them pass away. We also have children who might follow in her footsteps. Let's not allow this retribution from our forefathers to befall us. The last word on her tragedy will come from our gods. She was then brought to the hospital by them. Prisca was diagnosed as mad following a medical examination because of the stress and mental anguish she had endured.

Following the announcement that Prisca was insane, doctors asked her parents if they could care for her after a period of treatment, to which they replied that she didn't have parents and that they had only been kind to her. The doctors informed them that since she didn't have anyone to take care of her, she would be placed in psychiatric until she would able to return to her normal state of mind.