David was nervous. All the crew was ready behind the stage, including Karla. However, Amelia could not be contacted. What made David shocked to death when he saw Amelia's room cleaned and room service said that the occupant of the room had checked out. Amelia's cell phone itself could not be contacted while the opening band was almost over and Karla's turn was almost here while Amelia was nowhere. David paced back and forth, occasionally wringing his hair anxiously, 'Arrgh, Amelia, where are you? "David thought.'

But exactly five minutes before Karla appeared, Amelia appeared with a pale face. No one asked why her face was pale or where she was so late. David did run to meet her but not to ask but immediately handed the mic to Amelia.

"Karla is almost up. The first song is the same as yesterday," said David. Amelia didn't answer, she just grabbed the mic from David's hand and immediately followed the tall man's steps to the place specially available for her.

During these three years, it was Amelia who sang while Karla received praise and awards. And what is sadder Karla is her sibling. It's really sad and it feels very painful for Amelia.

Song after song Amelia sang with great feeling and appreciation. Until the last song, Amelia sang it so well. Her high-pitched voice made all the audience applaud rapturously. Even to give standing applause. Amelia grabbed the mineral water bottle that was nearby and immediately drank it until it ran out.

"Where were you from, huh ?!"

Amelia turned and saw Karla already standing near her, squinting.

"Just calm yourself down," said Amelia curtly.

"And you moved hotels without notifying us, huh ?! Who do you think you are ?!" scolded Karla.

Amelia got up and looked at her sister sharply.

"I only changed rooms, not moved hotels. You guys did not ask the receptionist. Try to repeat, sis, what you said earlier. Who did you say I am? Then from now on, you sing along!" cried Amelia boldly. She immediately grabbed her bag and immediately started to leave. Meanwhile, Karla could only gawk at Amelia who dared to yell at her.

However, when Amelia was about to leave the building she came across David again, who immediately grabbed her hand and dragged her into the car.

"What are you doing ?! Are you trying to make this concert a mess ?!" snapped David. Amelia didn't answer and looked away in another direction.

"Amelia, are you listening to what I say?" asked David.

Amelia snorted, "So, am I still worth it later?" Amelia sarcastic.

"Don't mess around, Amelia. If you weren't there, how would Karla's career be?"

"You only care about Karla's career, care about money. Have you ever cared about me? My feelings? How about me ?!" shrieked Amelia.

"I already told you that we will finish everything in Jakarta later. But, you are acting up and looking for trouble. What do you want ?!"

"Trouble? Freaking out? Did the concert fall apart? Did you get embarrassed and lost? No, right! I'm still doing my job well, right."

David was silent, he confirmed Amelia's words.

"I'm sorry, Amelia. But, you shouldn't have done it like that. It's not just me who panicked. But, everyone panicked too. I'll take you to your room. Tomorrow we go back to Jakarta by morning plane. The day after tomorrow we will talk together and we'll take care of everything that happened, "David said, his voice softening a little.

Arriving at the hotel, Amelia immediately got out of the car and walked without waiting for David so that the man walked quickly following Amelia's steps. Amelia only moved to the 3rd floor of the hotel. David did not ask the receptionist. He only asked the room boy who cleaned the room where Amelia had slept.

Arriving at the door of Amelia's room didn't give David a chance to talk. She immediately walked in and closed the door to her room so that David could only stare at the closed door like a fool.


David and Karla's entourage arrived from Manado at 10 am. David's driver picked them up. As usual, the crew used the company's special minibus while Amelia and Karla joined David.

David immediately escorted Karla and Amelia to their apartment. Both of them live in the same apartment building, only on different floors. At first, Amelia lived with Karla. However, since David and Karla got in touch, Amelia moved one floor at David's request. Amelia never refused anything David wanted. Because of love, all in the name of love. And what happened at the hotel yesterday was very made Amelia hurt.

Amelia went straight to the 5th floor where she lived and immediately went into her apartment. The girl just put the suitcase containing her clothes in the corner of the room. While she immediately lay down on the sofa. Amelia likes to relax on the sofa while watching television. The girl took several deep breaths. She was trying to forget what had happened. She did keep her chastity and honor for David but she wanted to present it in the right way. Not in a way like that which had happened between the two of them.

Amelia immediately stepped back to the sofa followed by David. They sit facing each other.

"Mel, I know what happened yesterday was my fault. I'm sorry. I know a thousand words of forgiveness won't be enough to heal your hurt and hurt. But I can't if I have to marry you. You know yourself that Karla and I are getting married. and we love each other. "

"So? How do you take responsibility?"

David took a deep breath and then took something out of his bag. Amelia could only take a deep breath when she saw what David released. Ah, it turned out that she meant nothing to David at all. That man appreciates everything with money. For David, everything can be bought easily.

"Mel, I know that your virginity can't be bought. But that night I was drunk and I don't remember. This check is worth three hundred million. You can go overseas to do hymen surgery. Only both of us know about this incident. We forget it and just pretend that night never happened. "