Go and Start a New Life

Amelia was completely determined and went to start over. What matters most to her now is to organize her heart and life. She chose the city of Seoul, South Korea as her place to escape and get away from everything. Luckily for Amelia, one of her best friends, who used to work as a background singer for Karla, is now in the city. Amelia has called and told me everything. Tasya, her best friend, of course, didn't mind Amelia coming, she even promised to help Amelia get a job in Korea too.

All Amelia's belongings are ready, she looked at her apartment room once again, ah not hers, this apartment belongs to David which was given to her as a working facility. Amelia has nothing left. The only family she has is Karla. However, for Karla herself, it might mean nothing at all. Whatever Amelia in Karla's eyes, only a troublesome sister. If only she didn't have a good voice, it would have been a long time since Karla would have driven her away.

Flights from Jakarta to Seoul are taken in approximately 8 hours. And when the plane landed at Incheon International Airport, Tasya was waiting for Amelia and greeted her with a happy face.

"I thought you were playing around when you said you were coming here," said Tasya, hugging Amelia.

"There's no way I'm playing for something this important," Amelia replied sadly. Tasya smiled and immediately helped carry Amelia's belongings.

"I rented a car to pick you up, I'm afraid if you feel too tired," said Tasya.

"Look, I've been bothering you," said Amelia. However, Tasya shook her head quickly, "No, Mel. Please, Don't say that. If it weren't for your services I wouldn't be able to be like now," said Tasya.

Tasya used to be a music student. She and Amelia met at David's place and both became Karla's background singers. The difference is, Tasya is a backing vocalist who is seen on stage while Amelia is not. When she got an offer to go to Korea and lacked funds, it was Amelia who helped Tasya. They are quite close, as Tasya Amelia often confides in her heart. And, when Tasya was in Korea they still communicate well with each other even though not very often. And currently, Tasya is working in a well-known artist management company in South Korea. And she enjoyed her job.

Tasya's apartment is in Yongsan. Apartments there are expensive, but considering Tasya's large salary, of course, this is not a problem for her. Tasya's apartment has two bedrooms and a fairly complete kitchenette, there is also a sofa to sit on while watching television.

"You can sleep in this room," said Tasya, showing the room for Amelia to sleep.

"This apartment is not far from the shopping center, Mel. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow when I get off work, I'll take you for a walk, OK."

"Is it far from the hospital?" asked Amelia. She remembers her condition which is currently pregnant. At the time of childbirth, she must consider going to the hospital herself if Tasya is not there, considering that she does not have a husband who can look after and accompany her to give birth later.

Tasya looked at Amelia with a look of pity. "Are you sure you want to continue your pregnancy, Mel?" asked Tasya. Amelia nodded her head.

"This baby is not sinful at all, and I love the father of this baby. You know how I feel about David?" said Amelia with the two teary blinds. Tasya held Amelia's hand, "I'll help you, Mel."

"I don't want David to know about my pregnancy, because if he finds out, he will tell me to abort my pregnancy. And I can't possibly be able to do that. I love David too much."

Tasya took a deep breath.

"You don't have to think about your living expenses here, Mel. I will bear it. Just pretend I was repaying all your kindness. I remember that you helped me a lot, even when I was kicked out by your landlord who helped me and gave me a ride. Now it's my turn to help you, "said Tasya.

"I do it all sincerely, money matters. I still have savings and also the check that David gave me. I cashed it out before I left here and created a new account which David and Karla didn't know. I don't want them to track my whereabouts."

Tasya nodded her head, "I understand, but just save your money for something much more important, Mel. You can't stay silent forever and accept all the injustices. Karla and David have to pay for what they have done to you all this time. Without you, Karla won't. can do anything in. In a voice barely hers that, she couldn't possibly become the famous artist she is today. "

"Maybe it's fortune, Sya."

"Because she's pretty?" asked Tasya sarcastically. Amelia lowered her head and nodded. Tasya took a deep breath and approached her best friend. She looked up at Amelia's face.

"You are beautiful, Amelia. You have beautiful eyes, thick eyebrows, sexy and tiny lips. Your hair, you look thick and beautiful. For the nose, I have to be honest, your nose is not as sharp as Karla's. But, you are beautiful. It's just that we do need something to make you look more beautiful. But, we will do that later when your child is born safely and you are ready to conquer the world with what you have. will make you shine later, "said Tasya with a smile.

Amelia looked at Tasya, not understanding. "What are we going to do?" she asked.

"Later you will find out, now you better think about your health and the baby in your womb."


Meanwhile, David and Karla looked surprised when they got the key to Amelia's apartment room from the officer. David immediately turned white when the officers said that Amelia had been gone last night. Even though last night he had just stayed in Karla's room, it did not occur to him that Amelia would leave without a message like this. Karla immediately went to check Amelia's bedroom and she was very angry when she found several test packs in the bathroom that showed line two,

"Ah, apparently there is a man who is not in his right mind who wants to fuck fat and ugly woman like Amelia, even until she is pregnant. She must be embarrassed and choose to go with that man!" exclaimed Karla angrily. David, who was standing near the kitchen, was shocked, Amelia pregnant? Is that the child? Could that be what happened?

The handsome man immediately approached Karla, "You don't joke," he said with a serious face.

"You just see this. She bought several different brands. I can not understand which man who is insane would want to sleep with her. So far, she has never been seen close to any man," said Karla.

David was silent and did not answer, all that was in his head was only one question, who was the father of the baby in Amelia's womb.