64. Marry David !

Ronald smiled, "I was relieved then, the question now is, "Amelia, do you want to marry David?"

Amelia choked.successfully this time

"Slow down, Li," said Karla, handing her a glass of water.

"I'm sorry if my question made you choke on that. But, I am serious about making you a daughter-in-law. What's more, your own sister has agreed."

Amelia didn't answer right away, but finished the glass of water that Karla had given her and then slowly caught her breath. Who wouldn't be surprised if they were asked a sudden question like that? What's more, Amelia was already tense before Ronald and Gracia came.

"I'm sorry, Uncle. But, to marry David ... Allow me to think about it first. I'm still not ready to marry David. But, I will not stand in the way if David, You or Aunt meet Davina. I do teach and also told Davina that David was her daddy."

"Are you still doubting David?" asked Ronald.