"I promise. Will never again betray the trust that mama gave." Patricia who had come home deliberately did not enter the house, she let her parents talk heart to heart. Hearing the both of them speak again in soft voices there was a great relief in her heart.

"Eheem... Don't hug too tightly, it's not funny when Mama is pregnant again, you know," Patricia commented teasingly when she saw her parents hugging. Patrick and Gracia immediately let go of their embrace when they saw their only daughter come.

"I can't hear the sound of a car," said Gracia, shyly.

"Ernest didn't stop by, Ma. So, you guys made up? What are you going to do next?" asked Patricia. Patrick took a deep breath and then let it out slowly.

"Papa will investigate them for a while."

"There are David's subordinates that he actually put there, Pa. So, Papa just asks them to report if Anton is there and Papa can catch them," said Patricia.