"Your sister has cancer?" asked the doctor.

"The uterus was removed two years ago, Doctor."

"It is with a heavy heart that I convey that if your sister has endometrial cancer. It is a type of cancer that attacks the endometrium or the inner lining of the uterus. This cancer generally occurs in women who have entered menopause (60-70 years). There are two main types of endometrial cancer, namely : Endometrial cancer type 1. The most common type of endometrial cancer.The development of cancer cells in this type occurs slowly (non-aggressive) and can be detected early. Type 2 endometrial cancer. This type of endometrial cancer is more aggressive, so the development and spread of cancer cells occurs more quickly. And your sister has type 2 endometrial cancer."

"Isn't my sister suffering from cervical cancer? How is it different from the cancer the doctor mentioned?" Amelia asked.