They went straight to the dining room. "They are my friends, Dam. Her name is Aunt Erna, and this is Uncle Rulli."

Damian watched Rulli and Erna, he didn't know what to say. Finally he just nodded his head.

"Damian said you guys just moved in today?" Leo asked calmly.

"That's right, I don't think I've ever met you, you are...?"

"Leo, ma'am. My name is Leo."

"Ah, well okay let's eat together."

Deswita seemed excited to serve the food. They sat down together and started eating. Leo looked relaxed while Damian was already tense and he also felt a tremendous tightness.

"Mr. Rulli, where did you work before?" Leo asked.

"Mr. Rulli owns a clothing store in Tanah Abang. However, his business went bankrupt," Deswita immediately answered without having Rulli open his mouth. Leo immediately turned his head,

"Mrs. Deswita seems to know Mr. Rulli's family very well."

"Erna, this is my social gathering friend," Deswita replied.