A Rough day at shooting

The next day the shooting schedule, I was hoping things will go smooth or I know little Moon will have a tough time dealing with Jodie. Little Moon had been pretty quiet from morning and had been observing things from afar.

A stunt scene was prepared for today's shoot. Even though we had a stuntman specially recruited, Gilbert had insisted he will do it himself. Yes, the stunt was not that hard except that you had to fall from the top of a building, which could break your bones if you don't do it with proper tactics.

"Gilbert, I insist you use the help of the stuntman," said Little Moon while talking about the scene.

"Hi, don't worry, I got this. And I have done diving as a sport since I was a kid,"

"But this is not just a diving competition, you will get hurt,"

"Could be fully disabled too," I said to him in hopes he will change his mind.

"Oh!!! don't worry... Nothing will happen," he said smiling.

I can see some frustration in her eyes, even though she doesn't say anything. I had the team check for any flaws in the safety of the stunt several times. I had a talk with Mike to especially have his team ready in case of an emergency.

The overall filming was going smooth until the stunt scene. After several discussions, the shooting begins. Within the split second, we see a horrifying view of Gilbert almost falling off as the safety harness has been broken apart.

"OH my...."

"Mike, the safety proceeder," I shouted as this was something me and Mike had talked about and secretly prepared.

Gilbert was safely bought down, to the mattress underneath him. He had a bit of a shock and had bruised his right hand. I have to be so grateful to Mike and his team for taking the necessary steps to ensure safety.

"HI, are you ok? Does it hurt anywhere?" I asked Gilbert, who was holding his hand with a painful look on his face.

"The hand seems to be painful," he said.

"Ted, tell your sister I am taking Gilbert to the hospital for a checkup. And Mike comes with me and asks your assistant to check on the security recorder."

At the hospital, Gilbert went through some examination and he was cleared of any broken bones or internal damage. After the doctors treated him, he was asked to rest for a few days to recover and was advised not to do anything that can harm his hand more.

"Gilbert, are you sure you didn't see anything before you started the stunt,"

"Hmm.. no, and you had everything doubled checked, too"

"Mike did that too.. Who could have done it?"

"No one was paying attention during the five-minute discussion on how things will be filmed, mostly we were ignorant. So the person who wanted to do it must have taken that opportunity," said Gilbert as he got out of the car.

I saw Little Moon and asked her to take care of him for the day. She was very worried and this being the first time something like this happened, I know she must be worried.

"I will come back soon, dear. You accompany Gilbert and take care of him."

With that, I rushed to the set. Mark has got the recording of the incident.

"We have to report to the police," said the Cameraman.

"Do you suspect anyone?" Asked Mark.

From everyone's reaction, no one had any idea who it might be. At the same time, one of Mark's assistants bought a memory chip.

"What is this?" asked Ted.

"Mark and I had secret cameras placed that we thought would be important," I said looking around. WIth Mark mentioned something to me, I looked around. I saw Jodie's assistant on a call with a scared look on her face.

"Where is Judie?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"Sorry sir, after the incident she left the set to the hotel," she said avoiding my eyes.

"Ok, Mark let everyone see this," I said.

After watching the video several times, it was clear to us this has happened during the shoot meeting. Undoubtedly the person was nonother than, Judie herself. But I need to clarify. So I looked for her assistant.

"You, come here," I said to her in a stern voice.

"Yes sir,"

"You knew that Judie will do something like this, didn't you?"

She just nodded her head.

"Why didn't you inform anyone of us?"

"She threatened that she will not help to pay my father's medical expenses," she was almost about to cry.

"Do you know why did she do something like that?" asked Mark.

"hmm..." she looked at me. "Because she didn't get the attention she needed from you. You only acted as a boss, not like her other directors. They used to worship where ever she walked."

"Ok, I get it. I want you to stay here, and help others with the work." I said and gave some instructions to Mark and the Cameraman.

I went back to the hotel, to find Little Moon talking with GIlbert, who was lying on a sofa with some snacks in his hand.

"Hi, did you find anything?" asked Gilbert.

"Dear, can you get me some tea and some snacks please," I said and after she left I showed the video to Gilbert.

"Why did she do it? Is she out of her mind?"

"She did all this because I was not giving the attention it seems,"

"Well, when you come to think of it, she is known to be a player with some directors. A stupid person who doesn't realize she has talent that wins good roles" said Gilbert with an annoying tone.

"You know she has been fussing around in the morning that something might happen, that's why she snapped at you telling you not to do the stunt,"

"Really, but why don't you tell her this was done by Judie?"

"If I tell her the reason, and the person, she might feel uncomfortable. But eventually, she will know," I said as I saw her coming back with some snacks and tea.

"I want you to rest these three days, after that I will let you be on the location," said Little Moon.

"Yes sir," saluted Gilbert, making things look like they don't matter.