Preparing for the Tournament

After eating, we headed for the Hunter's Guild. Because we didn't want to run into Ichigo and Horiya, we purposely stalled for a little bit. Once the clock hit 9, we went into the building.

The morning's Hunter's Guild was bustling with people more than ever, and I had to hold Hina-nee and Aisa's hands as to not get lost. Slowly, we made our way to one of the bulletin boards, pushing through the crowd in the process. Whenever someone spotted us, they quickly made way. I could hear faint murmurs going around, but they weren't hostile.

"Oi, look… it's that kid from last night…"

"The one who took down the woman even Guildmaster Feng could not defeat?"

"Yeah… I heard he took her down with one attack."

"No way, right? He seems so young…"

"Tch… what's so good about him?" someone snorted, bodying his way through the crowd and arriving before me, blocking our path. He had a tall stature and seemed to be quite buff as well.