Round Four

The next morning, Hina-nee and I woke up early. I got myself ready for the day first, then went over to Furuwa's room to wake her up as well, while Hina-nee took a shower and whatnot.

I knocked on the door gently. "Hello? It's time to wake up."

"I'm up already," an annoyed female voice came back from the other side of the door. "Give me ten minutes. I'll be out soon."

I sighed and headed out of the inn first to get some fresh air while I waited for the two girls to finish getting ready.

"Hm? I can't see your stats today," a female voice suddenly called out from beside me. I turned to see a beautiful girl with long black hair and starry pink eyes leaning against the wall of the inn.

"It's you again… what do you want?"

"Hehe, I just wanted to let you know… I'll be saving you for the main tournament on Saturday. So you better not let me down, mkay~?"

"… What do you mean?"