
To avoid getting lost, I did my best to keep my path as straight as possible, only making slight workarounds and turns when absolutely needed - for example, if a tree was in my way.

Beyond Lydia Forest was a large river - the one I was looking at right now. In order to continue northwest, I would have to cross this. There was no bridge for me, but with Blink plus Vanishing Clouds, I passed the river with ease.

Besides, even if I didn't have those skills, getting across would've been as easy as simply walking straight through. The river was not moving whatsoever - time was stopped. Still, I didn't want to end up wet all of a sudden once time started flowing again, so I chose the 'cooler' method and just dashed and teleported across.

"Okay… this should be the right direction…" I murmured as I continued heading northwest. There was yet another forest here, although I had no idea how big it was since I couldn't check my System.