Evergreen Peak

"So, to begin, Evergreen Peak is split into four quarters," Long Yaqing said as we walked on the concrete ground, through the town-esque municipality. "The quarter we're in right now is usually referred to the DN Quarter by the disciples, and it stands for 'Daily Necessities Quarter'. Groceries, tools, clothing — basically anything you can find in a department store are sold here. You can buy them with gold, just like if you were in a real city or town."

"I see… what are the other quarters?" I asked.

"Well, if you come up the front gates of the sect and arrive at the Temple of Flowers — that's what it's called, by the way — the four quarters will be to your left, front-left, front-right, and right respectively. It really isn't that hard to figure out."

"Ah, okay…"

So, it seems the three girls and I were each exploring a quarter right now. How nicely divided.