While I was going up the stairs, I was still confused by these men who attacked me. Who were they? From where were they? What language did they speak? All these questions made me only more and more confused. I decided to let it go and focus on it only after I report this to the army. When the stairs ended, there were a big, sturdy metal doors, that were fully opened. I presume they were opened by the men that wandered here. Ray of sunlight punched me in my eyes and blinded me for a while. After I regained my vision, sight before me amazed me. Green, lush forest was surrounding me. I heard birds chirping, water flowing and leaves rustle in the wind. This sight was quite spectacular to me, as in The Empire, there wasn't much nature left. It was pretty scarce, often being kept in cities in special parks, that were no bigger than a usual house just to perserve it. I remember, that my father once took me to such park. As a child, it amazed me, to see such natural environment with a naked eye. As an adult, it was more saddening than one would think. To see once lush, rich and green nature being reduced to… well, this.
I put my hand on one tree. Its surface was very rough and dry. I never even laid my hand on a tree before. It was… interesting. My lust for exploring the unknown overtook me and I wanted to feel the nature more. I touched some leaves, I laid in pillow-like moss and I found some berries. Knowing only berries from shops, I ate them and continued. After a while, my stomach started to hurt and i vomitted. I learned, that not all berries are edible. After this important experience, I remembered my initial goal – finding civilization. As I was making my way through the forest, some insects I didn't know started annoying me. I waved my hand against it and moved on.
I exited the forest and looked for a road. Once I would find a road, I would follow it and reach civilization. At least that's what I thought. Trying to keep a good spirit even in this dire situation, I wandered out of the forest on some kind of meadow. Then, out of the sudden, a dirt line was as if cut through the grass. I didn't know what it was, until I heard clapping of some kind from the right side. I looked its way and saw a horse – at least I think they were called that – running towards me, dragging some sort of wooden car with it. Now I was very confused. „What the hell is going on here?" I thought to myself. All of a sudden, the horse stopped. And so did the car, or whatever it was. On the front of the car, a man who I think controlled the horse was sitting. He was looking at me with a confused face. I returned the same, confused face. From the car, a man wearing a white cloak and a white cap stepped out. He looked quite young, maybe in his twenties. About 10 years younger than me. He looked towards me, as if trying to find something. Then he said something.
„Dobrý den, milý pane."
I didn't understand a word. I started to get nervous, as my experience with people speaking this language wasn't really good. He seemed taken bit aback by the fact I didn't response.
„Ty idiote blbej."
Now this I understood. „Idiot" was a common swear-word. I started shouting at him, knowing he won't understand.
„Who do you think you are? You are talking to the soldier of The Empire! So watch your mouth."
His eyes started gleaming with surprise. I was still making this angry face, and the guy driving the car seemed a bit scared.
„As… I think?" said the white clothed man with a broken Imperial language. I felt relieved. Could it be, he can speak my language?
„You understand me?" he said.
„Yes, I do."
He then turned on the driver and said something to him in their language. He then told me.
„You come with me?"
I felt reluctant to accept his invitation. His Imperial was a bit broken yet understandable. But this was more a matter of trust. I was taught to trust no one, and even less someone, who clearly wasn't from The Empire. But then again, I was stranded in a wilderness with no knowledge of where to go. In the army, they taught us advanced survival skills, but this was completely different environment than to what I was used to. Lush green forests and glistening plains were in no way comparable to grey and grim tundras and deserts that we had in The Empire. This wasn't the nature I was used to. I think my sklil in survival was more than enough to survive, at least for a while. But in this alien environment, I was not so sure, as even few berries made me want to vomit – and I was lucky they weren't more poisonous. That man was looking at me with a expectation in his eyes. It seemed to me a bit stupid to not to come with him, as he seemed like the only one able to understand my language. Maybe he could even direct me to nearest Imperial outpost.
„What is your name, if I may ask?" I asked him, with respect.
„My name Hromesh." he answered. Hromesh, what a unusual and foreign name. But it had a swing to it. I liked it, to my surprise.
„Okay, Hromesh. Where do you want to take me?"
His look started getting confused. He quickly ran to his car and returned with a book. Book, something I never thought I would see again. In The Empire, books from paper were no longer made due to shortage of trees. Only a few books remained, mainly old ones, such as chronicles and so on. I had a chance do look into such book, if only for a while. It was interesting experience for sure.
Hromesh started browsing through the book, until he found what he was looking for. He then looked at me with a look of accomplishment.
„To my master." he said. If this man can speak Imperial language, even if a bit broken, then his master must be on a whole different level. At least I thought so. Feeling comfortable enough with his question, I accepted his proposal. He then directed me to his car, while both him and the driver were looking at my armor and gun, which was hanging on me.Why exactly were they so old-fashioned, not using any modern technology that should be very common by now. This was something I was very intrigued about.
Seat inside their car, well, not really car, but more like carriage, was not very comfortable. It had some kind of cloth on which we were sitting, but it didn't really help. I still felt sturdiness and roughness of the wood, from which my seat was made. But it was endurable, especially when knowing this is most likely only way for me now. On the onther hand, interior of the carriage was cozy and nice. It even had back and side windows. Hromesh was again browsing his book, which was quite thick. After it seemed he was done browsing, he turned to me.
„My master meet…" he looked in the book again „wants to meet you." he said.
„Why?" my question was quite simple. There would be no reason, why would he want to meet mere soldier of The Empire. It made no sense. But, to my surprise, his answer was… strange.
„Because you speak Empire's tongue."
This didn't clarify much, but I decided to let it go, as he didn't look like he could handle more advanced conversation in imperial language. With a bit of luck, his master will be able to answer my questions.
I was looking out of the window on my side. We were riding through some field. Some people were working on it, presumably farmers. This was common even in The Empire, but fields were maintained in closed facilities inside cities with artificial lights and ventilated air. I realized that the dirt line that went through the grass was actually a road – not the kind of road I was used to. It was not smooth as roads in The Empire. It was rocky and riding on this road in carriage with wooden wheel wasn't very comfortable. But it was endurable, especially when this was my only chance to get home.
„We're almost here." said Hromesh, while still browsing through his book. I felt confused, until I looked out of the window again. Magnificent walls were rising before our very eyes. They were from large blocks of stone, sturdy and hard. And enormous. I was in an awe from their sheer size. In The Empire, we had skycrapers and all, but they didn't pose such respect as this wall did. Although their size was uncomparable, as skyscrapers were much higher. All of a sudden, I was anxiously expecting something no less gracious and magnificent as these walls were. But my expectations were met with dissapointment.
Behind the magnificent walls was a city that looked more like a slum. Main road was somehow laid out with stone bricks, but other than that, it was just dirt and mud. Houses were the size of a bigger car and streets were full of beggars, thugs and peasants. Something you wouldn't see in The Empire. As we advanced through the city into its heart, living conditions improved, streets were getting cleaner and beggars were nowhere to see. It was richer district of the city – presumably merchants and craftsmen lived here. Carriage suddenly slowed and turned right from the main road onto a dirt muddy road. We rode a few minutes more, until we stopped. Hromesh opened a small chest, that was inside the carriage and took a piece of cloth from it. He handed it to me, saying „Wear this."
I didn't really mind, put it on and followed Hromesh out of the carriage. He led me through the muddy street towards a medium-sized house. People we passed around were looking at me strangely. It must've been strange to see such hooded man on the street. Hromesh knocked on the door and opened it. There was a older man, in his sixties I'd say, wearing the same cloth as Hromesh. He looked at me with a strange look in his eyes. He shouted on Hromesh something and scared him by that. He then pointed at me and said something to me. I didn't understand, of course. Hromesh then told him something, that made him calm down. I presume he explained my situation. Old man looked at me again.
„So, you say you come from The Empire?"