Ava missing

Ava was in shock but she did not see any way out of this for herself. She instead turned back and knowing she had no clothes, Ava wore the bloodied clothes of her soulmate. She immediately picked up all her shredded clothes and kept them in her bag.

After clearing all other evidence Ava brought her soulmate's body behind a tree and kept it there.

No one came around this side so there was less chance of finding him.

When she turned around she realized his head was nowhere. Ava searched for a good half hour before realizing she must have thrown it in the water which had some traces of blood. The current wasn't strong right now but the head had floated away.

"Curse my life," Ava had no time.

She sat on her horse and galloped to Zander's shop. She knew where he kept his spare key and entered the shop. Finding herself a decent dress and packing another two other dresses she left the shop.