Chapter four : Winged Man

Wild cat pinched Rebecca after the handshake , it was their second meeting as Wild cat observed Rebecca if the cosmetic were good on her and she was please with the results . She handed over to Becca some paperwork to sign

" Can I read them before signing?" Becca asked and she was the woman flinch a little.

". Oh dear , I don't have time ... Im a busy lady I've got somewhere to go so just sign and let me get going we've agreed already before " Wild cat said but when she notice Becca thinking too much , she got pissed " Just sign it!" she yelled a little and Becca signed trembling but she didn't fail to scan the documents a little while signing. " Thank you, au revoir " wild cat said and left.

Wild cat and Jenifer left to chit chat and then wild cat left .

Becca sat as if she was glued to the chair. She remembered seeing some scarry words like " submissive, surrender , body , sex" .

" Oh my God sex!" she felt scared , she shoke her head trying to brush off the feeling of those bad thought . " Positive only " she said Inwardly.

She boarded a taxi together with Jennie and the went to her place first to grab a snack before going shopping for possible clothes she would need for the show off this week Friday.

** Chen Enterprise**

" I'd go , fine but that doesn't mean we have to be together .... Like I said before , I don't like her and I never will" Xavier said.

It was obvious his mum was the one on the other line.

Raymond watched his poor friend who was in a dilemma .

Xavier flung the phone fiercely on his desk like last time " Hey don't break that , many can't afford it you know, I've told you severally calm down" Raymond said.

The chill Raymond got from Xavier this time was worse than last week so the guy had to ask " What's wrong?"

" I have a date with Valerie Steel " Xavier said looking ghostly annoyed and that only made Raymond laugh more " It's not funny "

" No it isn't , but the looks on your face is " Raymond said and chuckled a little bit more before quieting down

" Why won't I look like that?, isn't it obvious that I do t want to go but just have to . Its just to honour my parents and the bitches parents too " Xavier said

" You have to go , I agree with your mother . You need a break from all this've achieved enough and you are taking good care of your dad's business man you need a woman in your life" Raymond spouted . " not until you get a woman first" Xavier said and walked towards the glass window elegantly , he indeed was hot.

A tall , muscular and handsome young man of 27 , he was well built with four packs only but had good looks , no doubts .

He had a sexy looking masculine body with his sexy abs, all his workout really paid off.

Xavier graduated from UCLA with first class all though people did not believe it but the guy was really intelligent and he earned his degree on his own.

He was every ladies dream , even the female workers in the company always drool over him and he was aware but he didn't want to get involved in a relationship. He prefered being single and enjoying pleasure from sex workers in hotels than being committed because he'd suffered heart break before.

" Xavier you're the older one here "

" Who cares , you're the one good with women not me , I only enjoy it when they please me "

Xavier said and smirked mischievously

" No Xavier I'm not filling in for you " Raymond said immediately.

" Shut up , you'd just be my Winged Man" Xavier said and smiled.