Chapter Seven : Set up

Xavier's eyes were red with desire he looked at the little chubby woman who looked so ravishing, he bent down and sniffed her hair she smelled like lemon.

Xavier was so drawn to her , he couldn't resist her all he wanted now satisfy this strange but burning need in him.

Xavier kissed the girl like a wild beast , the girl seemed unconscious but she responded to his kisses . He was Burning with desire and his hands roamed about her body as he just continued kissing and tasting her sweetness and softness .

Xavier trailed kisses on her neck down to her collarbone and she moved according to the rhythm.

He tore her fabric and found her body pleasant , her white milky breast which were exposed were beautiful in his eyes and he smiled in satisfactory .

He kissed her lips again and again and he got his responses theyre bodies collided together and they were both on fire .

Becca unconsciously wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him, he felt her body and the fire ignited as their bodies pressed against each other.

He skillfully caressed her arms, her abdomen and legs and down-to-her thighs tears welled her eyes and a moan escaped her lips as he touched her already wet flower from her panty .

Xavier seemed gratified and he stroke her there gently again and again and he captured those sweet lips of hers and searched her deep cave with his tongue.

Xavier took off all his clothes and made her touch his manhood which stood tall and proud the girl seem not to know what he wanted her to do so he let her be . He unhooked her bra and with a very professional swiftness all the clothes and briefs were on the ground.

Xavier parted her legs slightly and hit his head in between her. " Wait , no ... please I'm still. argh! ....ahmm.....umm.....uh-huh...oh no .....please I'm still virgin please...This is a set up " Becca said .

Xavier seemed not to hear the woman as he smelled and tasted her sweetness and he didn't want to stop. It was like her scent and everything about her was bewitching him , he seemed to be under spell. Xavier smiled as he used his hand to caress every part of her skin .

Xavier touched her breasts as he continued his onslaught soon he laid back up , kissed her as he touched her wet vulva and entered her a 1 full trust.

He started off slowly but then the medicine which they have used to drug both of them started functioning and he became mad with hunger.

Xavier fucked her hard like a mad man Becca scream simultaneously but he didn't hear he groaned and she moaned as they both enjoyed the sex in ecstasy. Soon they both climaxed but it wasn't enough due to the drugged wine they'd both drank. They had a few more rounds and then slept in each other's arms with Xavier saying " You're the sweetest I've tasted so far and you're beautiful baby .... I'd like to know you more and have you more later ...".

Little he know that this was all a setup.