Chapter Twenty _ six : Sick in love

As Becca set the table and removed her apron , Xavier pulled her into his chest in a warm embrace. " Didn't you miss me love ?" he teased and Becca blushed. " I guess you did " . " Please let's eat now , I don't want the food getting cold " she said and coughed.

Why would Xavier call her love?

Wasn't she his pet?

Didn't he say he doesn't believe in love or where her ears not functioning all the while she'd heard him and Raymond banter about love and relationship.

Xavier couldn't help but chuckle at her bashfulness. Becca served the food for Xavier . It was rice and chicken stew with Philipino fish sauce and some veggies. " I hope you like smoothie and sausage rolls for dessert . We ran out of fruits while you were away because I had a little fever and ate mostly fruits " Becca said with an innocent look that made Xavier want to tease her again.

" Slight fever huh, i guess you were sick in love with me " Xavier said and Becca could only choke.

Here he goes again with his sweet mouth , she wont fall for him right?

She's not supposed to love her master

After all , she's the slave , he does how he pleased with her so why would he be trying to be sweet with her.

After everything that he'd done to her , all the sex slavery and rough and harsh things he'd done that she seriously wasn't in the mood to think about right now , he still acts as if nothing has happened.

He can flatter all he wants but she would definitely guard her heart.

But come to think of it , he was only harsh in bed , especially in the dark room , Xavier was nice to her.

He pampered her and gave her everything she wanted .

Wouldn't it be better if he was wicked all through??

She would definitely not want that.

Rebecca stared at Xavier as he filled the house with laughter at Becca's crumpled and shameful face. Everyone heard it.They were all going to keep their plates in the kitchen for Mia to clean and they couldn't help but smile at the way the Master's mistress was able to make him laugh after he came home with a cold aura that made everyone shiver .

After eating Xavier thanked Becca for the food and told her to leave the dirty dishes on the dining table for Mia. " Come with me " He said and took her hand. Becca trembled but she knew what was coming, She'd caught Xavier starring at her with lust but what could she do?. She'd signed the contract of pleasing him whenever and wherever he wanted.


He led her to a door immediately they came out from the elevator. The door scanned Xavier's pupils and then an Android voice said " Welcome "

Becca gulped , seeing all the weapons hung around . Some wips and some other sex toys that she'd seen Jennie with during their University days. " Welcome back to my dark room." He said and noticed Becca trembled.

" Okay.....sir " She managed to say.