Chapter Twenty_eight : Busted

Some where in San Francisco , there was a loud thud as the door to an underground house was being destroyed by some armed men . " Search the whole place and leave no one ... I repeat capture everyone " The commander spoke and his men moved accordingly .

" The cops are here boss ,looks like we've been busted " A lady spoke with fear and anxiety written all over her .

The able bodied men together with some FBI agents roamed the place and pinned anyone in sight , cuffing them .

" Run.....take the escape route ...quickly !!" The lady said fiercely to her boss but the fear was still visible in her movements as her legs kept wobbling as she tried running with her boss making things difficult with her slow pace .

" Hold it right there " A fierce voice spoke . It was masculine and the two ladies halted according to his commands . " Your hands on your head and turn around " He said and approached them , apparently he was going to cuff them but he didn't expect the Swift movements of the lady who licked his member hard and pushed him as she continued running . " Hey ...." The man said admist pain. He immediately took his phone and called for back up giving locations .

" Hurry up Miss Ana!! " Wild cat yelled as she was getting close to the end of the tunnel_like underground house. To their utter most nightmare they ran into the cops and we're immediately pinned down and made to kneel as the were hand cuffed. They had seriously been busted . " We caught them boss's a mission accomplished " A man in Black uniform said . He looked like a bouncer or maybe a military with his handsomely features and fierce looks . He had great muscles and and that clutched his clothes and wild cat could only gape . " Busted !! "


Azula entered the house screaming " I got into UCLA " Mr Quin came out of the kitchen and hugged his children and smiled " Oh....that's great news dear " He said and showered Azula with kisses but then as if his mind played with him he asked " Where's Azuka's reports? " He asked . " I got into NYU " He said as if he were disgusted . " Aww.....come here honey's okay to go to a different uni " His mum said with a spoon in her hand as she gestures for him to close the gap between them for a nice hug . " I already told him that but he insisted he wanted us to be in the same school " Azula said with poker face . " C'mon Azula be a little sweet to your sulking twin brother " Mr Quin said . " lright...alright , come here bro " She said and hugged him but their position was like Azuka was the one hugging Azula.

Azula is only five feet tall and Azuka was great with heights as he was getting to seven feet already . Azuka is thin tall and fit . Though he doesn't have the perfect abs that grils would drool for , he had the look of a model . Azula is exceptionally beautiful and has looks of peats lurking around her but with her low EQ and IQ she didn't notice . That's one of the reasons for Azuka's sulking . He was like the pesticide shooting away bad boys from his sister while she enjoyed her care free and blissful life . Now that they would part ways , he couldn't help but imagine what would be out there . He knew how guys could behave towards innocent and sweet girls like his sister but he should his head dismissing bad thought " Alright " He said. " Look , at least you get to be with sis Becca while I'd be all alone in California " Azula said with pouted lips pretending to be sulking .