Chapter Thirty : I hate you too

Two weeks past and the day for Ana and Felicia's judgement had come . The case was held in the supreme Court in New York City. The whole place as filled with cameras programmed to shoot it live , lots of news station were broadcasting this . With Ray as Xavier lawyer and a female unknown lawyer representing Anna and Felicia .

It was clear that this lawyer just graduated , she looked so young and fragile but one couldn't tell the capabilities of the lady.

The tournament began . " Your honor , This lady hear was found to be the master mind behind Mr Chen . This lady here together with Felicia Banks used two innocent friends to set up the young business man for rape and murder .....If it would please your honor I would like to show proof " Raymond said.

" Go ahead " The judge gave his consent and Raymond played several picture and videos of Wild cat making deals with Rebecca and Jennie.

" Your honor , I object to what Mr Raymond said . He accused my client of being the master mind of the rape and murder case but his proof only shows two women practically having fun during their leisure time and even if it was a business meeting it doesn't show that it involves Me Chen" The female lawyer said and the judge nodded on agreement " Mr Raymond can you prove further what you've started?"

" Of course my honor if you grant permission we would like to invite the victim of the case at hand " Raymond said and then Rebecca walked in and gave the judge her own side of the story indicating how wild cat had tricked her , using her best friend Jennie to be drugged along side Xavier in a hotel room with cameras that videoed the scene.

" Your honor , she threatened me with several letters to keep shut but luckily , I found favour in Mr Chen's eyes and he decided to harbour me in his abide while he investigated . Here are the proofs" Becca said.

" Your honor the letters and money envelope does not state who the writer and sender was so we cannot possibly say that Miss Ana or Miss Felicia were involved in this " The female lawyer tackled and it made Becca shock. This young lawyer really came loaded but she was still no match for Attorney Raymond , Xavier's cousin and P.A

The trioa went in and on with Raymond and the unknown lawyer debating with each other and then finally Raymond decided to burst their bubble by playing the video of Jennie and wild cat rejoicing for a job well done while watching Xavier smacked Becca hard. Though the video didn't make any of them uncomfortable , the lawyer was short if words. Next he played the video of Ana and Felicia's meeting and discussing how to run away when they were suspicious of Xavier's investigation and the video of the police torturing them to confession, he didn't spare them by showing pictures if when the FBI had captured them weeks ago in San Francisco.

" Do you have any objections to this ?" the judge asked and when the lawyer couldn't counter this the judge passed the judgement " For murder and mastermimd of framed rape cases and also illegal involvement with rough underworld , Annastecia McCall and Felicia Banks are sentences to 46 years imprisonment with hard labour "

" No... please your honor have mercy..." Anna cried and wailed bitterly as she was crying and striving to loose from the police hold " I hate you Xavier .....I hate you....I will destroy you just wait...I hate you " She said and then the police dragged her away. Felicia didn't say much and just accepted her fate . At herself knew that sooner or later they will end up being caught but deep down she hoped for mercy . " I hate you too" Xavier said with disgust as he saw Anna taken away by the police. For some reason , Becca knew there was more to it than the way they both spoke of hate like that because the hatred was evident in their eyes but who was she to ask??. Mean while ,. the whole American citizens if New York City didn't miss the news. Xavier's parent s were pleased but most surprisingly was that the truth of how Xavier and Becca met was now known to the whole world and as if Xavier knew whet just happened, he carried Becca up and twirled her around and gave her a sweet kiss in a good spot where the camera could capture and record their voices. " we prevailed after all" He said and Becca blushed and hit his chest. " We are outside Xavier"