Chapter Thirty_three : Another enemy

Peni walked into a building and put her bag on a small sofa. She sighed as she slumped tiredly on the chair and rested her head on the the head rest.

" So , how did it go ?" A middle aged man asked . " I getting to know his new girlfriend's brother " Peni said with a mischevous smirk.

" That bastard thinks he can just pay off all my hard work and sweat by giving me 15 percent shared of his company after all my hard work?!, I will make sure to make his stupid son miserable. If Annastecia and her crew can't work...I trust you my darling...he won't know what hits him when we strike " The middle aged man laughed like a beast .

The old man looked so ugly and pitiful , he was known as ' The scorpion ' His daughter is Anastasia and apparently she was in jail with her cohorts.

Scorpion was old Chen's buddy. At a time where Master Chen had issues with his fiancee ( Xavier's mother ) , he helped Chen to manage his business in hope that he could gain favour of half of the company's networth but he failed in his plans. Ever since then he sought ways to bring down the Chen's .

When he learnt that Xavier liked his daughter who at that time had a boyfriend , he urged her to play him and make him bank rupt. Good thing Xavier caught her with her real lover making love but then it hurt her that Xavier left her when she realised that his feelings where true and that she only had her boyfriend to satisfy her needs as a woman.

She decided to join her father's scheme on hatred and envy for Xavier . Using Felicia as a means she thought she could destroy the family's name but instead got sentenced to rot in jail for a couple of years with hard labour.

" Sir....may I ask the history behind all these....I really do not see anything wrong with Azuka." Peni said.

" That b*tches brother is non of my business , he's gonna be bait" Teh old man said and smirked.

********Chen's Company*******

Raymond looked at his brother and sighed his brother really gets worked up whenever it concerns that virgin sl*t of a girl. " Hey...she said she can manage so why worry too much?' He asked.

" I'm not worried .....I'm j..just.... concerned " Xavier said as he hid his emotions to no avail.

" Xavier from your look and the way you behave whenever you are with her....I can tell that you like her" Raymond said.

" Yeah...I know....I'm just trying to be careful.... she's too fragile...who knows if I have another enemy out there and she may be bait?" Xavier said and sighed. " She's not feeling too well these days as well.....I just hope she really is fine....Ray.....I wanna know about this girl more" Xavier said as he took out his phone from his pocket and looked at several photos he'd taken of her and some from her Facebook page. She really was an epitome of beauty .

" Don't tell me you're planning what in guessing?" Ray asked with horror evident in his face.

" I want her..... she's different , you know? , she has this uniqueness....argh!...I'm just scared bro...what if she runs away?....what if she doesn't want me because we didn't start off well?"

" if I were you I would think of the starting as fate....I mean your enemies tried using her to ruin you...only for her to turn out to be your....lucky fruit...well...advice from experience.....just tell her how you feel over a romantic lady can resist that table for two with nice and expensive meal... champagne and desserts....also cakes " Raymond with bright eyes.

" Yes....I guess that's a good now back to business....have you signed up for COO of this company?"

" You're like a brother to me even if Dad raised you know, your... past just can't remain my assistant" Xavier said , he was back to his cold and expressionless mood. " I'd do that after you confess " Raymond teased and Xavier didn't miss that opportunity to vent out his frustrated self on Raymond by throwing a book at him.

" Hah!, missed me " Raymond jubilated. " Alright if do it..... here , he handed Xavier some paper " that's the document for transfer of 'Crownlake' but are you sure that babe of yours can handle her new company?"

" Before buying this I made my research , she's diligent and hard-working.....I'm sure she will take good care of it even better than my expectations" Xavier praised.

" It's time for lunch"

" Don't worry about me Ray....I'd eat lunch with Becca...also from there I wanna see if she's really okay "

" You really are a clingy boyfriend...if I were her...I'd push you away or even freak out!'


I'm so sorry for late updates , well your author is still a scholar so in trying my possible best to read hard and write my exams and as well make a way to update this book with more mesmerizing chapters


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Also try my other book : The CEOs mystery

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