Chapter Forty-five : Surprise !!!!!

Just as Xavier wanted to approach Becca it seemed like the world was spinning around and she swayed but thank God Xavier had good reflexes , he immediately caught her and carried her like that outside . Immediately the paparazzi saw him with a lady in his arms they closed him with cameras and questions but the only word Xavier could saw coldly to them was " She's my woman "

He settled her gently at the back and immediately drive his Lamborghini truck out , good thing Azuka was with the Benz car and he had a date with Peni afterwards so it won't look like Xavier abandoned him.

Peni was glad she chose the good path , eversince her confession this week , Azuka had been showering her with kindness and warmth .

Xavier's words where the confirmation that the press needed to print the newspaper and cook up story for tomorrow's headline .

Xavier immediately called Doctor Ben to check up on Becca at the mansion so he took her home .

" How's she doc?" Xavier asked breathlessly.

" She's stressed out but she'd be fine , she should go for proper check up tomorrow" Doctor Ben said and Xavier thanked him for everything as he immediately went to order the chefs to cook good dinner for her and prepare the bath . He stayed by her side thinking , his heart flew to his mouth when he saw her fainting but now Doctor Ben's words were able to calm.him down .

"mmmmm" The sleeping beauty finally moaned after am hour and 49 minutes sleep . " Love...are you alright ?" Xavier said as he took her hand in his and caressed and t sweetly and kissed it not taking his eyes away from.hers and that was enough to make.the girl's face flush crimson red .

" Yes , im alright.....I'm hungry" Becca said , she was surprised with how blunt she'd become lately and she was also demanding and selecting.

" Would like something special ?"

" No.....I just wanna eat food , as long as I can eat okay "

' Thank God she's not craving today ' Xavier silently mused.


Saturday came and Xavier accompanied Rebecca to the hospital for Becca's check up and ultra sound for the baby while his private jet would land so that the preparation can be made and the invited guests could get settled.

" Please lie that...uhm.sir help her to balance her position " The nurse said as she prepared everything for Becca's ultra sound .

The nurse controlled the whole.thing which Xavier didn't mind , all he wanted to know was that his wife and baby was safe . " There , your....babies " The nurse said

'Babies ' This was the second time Xavier was hearing babies , first from Becca , now from the nurse .

" Congratulations sir and're...uh....having .....

The nurse checked again so that she could confirm what she wanted to say so that she wouldn't anger Xavier buy then again the screen couldn't lie and they could hear the heartbeat of the three babies.

" You're having triplets "

" Triplets?!!"

" Yes....three babies , see " The nurse said pointing .

" Oh my God love....I wasn't expecting that ....the way my tummy gree bigger than expected I assumed I may be carrying twins but it just proved wrong " Becca said to Xavier who seemed dazed

" Love ??"

" Oh baby... we're gonna be parents soon " Xavier said a.d kissed her , he just made up his mind that from now on he would love her unconditionally and he knew he needed to gather strength and courage because he'd planned in proposing to her today .


Becca was in her room reading a novel when one of the maids sent a box to her " Young master asked me to deliver it and that you should put on everything "

Becca was shocked to see a new set of gowns that Xavier bad asked her to put in but she chose the one with ref and white rose with a touch of green as the design It was a set of free clothes and we're way to wear and the most thrilling part was that each clothes came with it's shoes and accessories.

Immediately she left the room she saw Fred who said " This was miss"

Fred led her towards the garden , she was not really happy with Xavier though because he didn't bother about her birthday , she wants even sure if he knew but she just let it slide because he is a busy man and had been taking good care of her so she just wore the clothes and followed his instructions thinking he wanted her to accompany him some where , her thoughts got interrupted as she reached the garden and saw lots of people and heard a loud " SURPRISE!!!!!!!!"