Forty-nine : The main gift

Xavier woke up earlier than his fiance . He needed to prepare a nice family picnic for his in-laws and her in-laws. He smiled inwardly as he received a message from Raymond telling him that everything was in order and in his garden.

" What about your....lucky fruit?" Raymond asked teasingly.

" I've warned you not to call my woman....lucky fruit ..argh! make me sick"

Xavier was about to pick on Raymond again when he heard someone's voice

" Boys , boys , don't wanna wake up the women of the house with your bantering" It was Old Chen accompanied by Mr Quin.

" Good morning, sirs" The two young men greeted.

" I believe my son has things we can use to exercise our old bones " Victor Chen said as he winked at Jeremy.

" Let's head to the gym's still early " Xavier said and lead the way to his gym located in the same floor with his basement.


" Hmmm" Peni moaned and rolled over on her bed until she hit something hard . Her eyes which were shabby and drooled from drowsiness now widened in shock and consciousness

" Way to say good morning " Azuka says massaging his neck which Peni hit hard from her sleep.

Embarrassed and shocked , she bowed her flushed face in shame , trying to hide Azuka's piercing gazes but the guy had already seen her crimson red face.

" G...g-good morning " Peni said.

" slept here " Azuka said as if he was answering her unsaid questions.

The way her eyes flustered and her gaze at him was questionable it made Azuka chuckle . " Peni , we only slept"

" together?!!"

" Yes, of's my room , you don't expect me to sleep on the couch or Flor while you enjoy my bed " Azuka said , trying his best to be nonchalant and straight forward.


Instead of breakfast , the both families engaged in a picnic in Xavier's garden , the fresh air , flowers an trees...oh.... nature was so good

The families chatted about their children , including some embarrassing moments." Mum....I thought I told you to forget it" Xavier yelled in embarrassment.

His mother had just told everyone how he dressed like girl to school after loosing a bet with Raymond.

It didn't end there as Mrs Quin also gave a story of Rebecca's teenage time . When she burnt spaghetti to ashes and was forced to eat it with tea for wasting food items.


After both families had departed , Xavier took Rebecca outing for a reserved date and for some privacy.

They ate expensive food as selected by Xavier and rode bicycles that Xavier bought for both if them .

After some fun in the park , Xavier took out the bikes in the Booth of the car while he took Rebecca some where special.

In the car which one of his men drove , Xavier spun Rebecca around and blind folded her. " Ok h, Xavier just never sieze to amuse me "

" We are here sir "

Xavier brought Becca down and led her somewhere holding her carefully. He had brought her to main surprise which He had prepared with Raymond's help .

" Can I remove the blind fold now?"

" Yeah , you can "

" Okay "

" Oh my God....Xavier!!!!"

Rebecca Quin couldn't believe her eyes.

Xavier had just bought her a new company and used her name as the heading ' Rebecca Quin Fashionlake'

Be bought her own fashion entity.

Although it wasn't as big as precious pearl and Elsa dumorees , it was portable and so beautiful.

" don't like it?" Xavier said with a glint of uneasiness his eyes.

Raymond promised him that if this was the main gift he had for Rebecca , she would love it.

"like?.....I LOVE IT's beautiful...I'm so grateful....but it's too much.....What if I can't handle it?"

' Oh she loves it's great news '

" You're my soon-to-be-wife , if course you can handle're capable...I believe in you my love...this is my main gift "

Rebecca didn't know what came over her but she just found herself pull Xavier in for a fierce kiss .

The men behind couldn't help but gaoe in awe. Their madame sure had a way if letting and taking their young master. Look at those shameless couples showcasing their lovey dovey act in public .


Hi there Noble readers

I hope you guys aren't mad at me , I hope you haven't given up on me???🥺🥺

Please don't stop reading and don't stop voting.

I promise to try my best in updating chapters as soon as I have any little strength as I'm not feeling too well lately.

Don't hesitate to lay complains, ideas or advice go me on Facebook:Authorkems


I love you all

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Kems loves you all 😘😘😘😘😘