Chapter two of chapter Sixty-four : Azula's experience in L.A

The sweet and romantic actions of the two couples were like a dosage for the family to eat enthusiastically.

Azuka was the first to finish and he excused himself for some privacy.

Immediately after everyone was done eating , the maids came to clear the dinning room and clean the table.

" There's this movie marathon I've been starts at 8:30 , anybody interested?" Mrs Quin asked as she sat down and took the remote control.

" Me of course...I don't think these kids would wanna watch these stuff again" Mr Quin replied.

" Dad..... we're not kids any more and mum.... we'd love to watch with you know, we've got things on our mind to next time" Azula said .

" would you like to watch?" Xavier asked Rebecca while still showering her neck and shoulders with kisses and little soothing squeeze.

"'s been long I saw a movie"

" Okay...I'd watch with you " Xavier said and immediately pulled his fiance closer to him as he straddled her on the sofa , making her lie down with her head on his laps .

" You're lucky you didn't say yes to watching that movie...alright , chop chop....let's get going , you're gonna explain Mr handsome to me right now " Peni said as she pulled Azula up to their room.

As they reached the floor , Azuka came out from his own room with only a towel wrapped around his waist as he called out to Peni who wanted to take a turn to her room while still dragging Azula.

" Peni?"

" Huh?"

" Where are you two going?"

" Our room..what's up?"

" Nothing..I..I wanted to inform you that our results are out on the platform "He said

" Umm....okay , thanks for the info , it a 100 percent trusted ?"

" Yeah"

" Alright....go... goodnight"

Azuka looked at Peni and tried to figure out why his girlfriend looked uneasy since he came out from his room.

Then his eyes searched hers and traced her line of sight.

" Ahem...." He cleared his throat in order to not think perverted things and walked up to Peni , he kissed her softly on the lips and forehead before telling her ' goodnight ' .

Peni stood rooted to the ground as she tried to analyze what just happened.

" Look who's interested in my story" Azula said with a smirk and that was enough to snap the teenager to her senses as she pulled her room mate to their room for gossips.

" did you meet Mr honey pie?" Peni asked immediately she closed the door and made sure it was locked the door.

" Hey...don't call him that , he's NOT my honey pie " Azula barked and snorted.

" know , there's this saying that the guy who you hate most and seems the most annoying to you is whom you'd later fall in love with "

" Urgh!!... really? Peni "

" Of happens...have you heard your sister's story....oh she so hated Xavier and he hated her too for being his weakness and means of almost getting a tarnished image but thanks to sir Raymond's help "

" How did you know?"

" I just , eaves dropping " Peni said and blushed.

" How much have you eaves dropped on my sister?"

" Not much...just a few rare and uncommon back to you...don't even dare try changing the topic"

" Alright , alright...but you won't interrupt me"

" Of course not"

" Okay...I met Maximus in a party's Azula began.


" Tonights party was made wonderfully by Darwin , put it up for her would you please ?" An m.c said as the students and some other outsiders who where invited for the fresher's night party part 2 at the green bays club in L.A.

" wohooooooo" Azula could hear the cheers loud and clear from her little apartment not far from the place.

" Oh...God I'm damned bored , let me just go and see how it is " She said and moved to her little walk in closet and took out some of the new clothes her elder sister had sent to her.

" This one is good...I'd look more mature , this way , I can't be bullied "

Azula put on some light make up as she wore a ring on her finger with some other accessories and the put on her one sleeve shirt gown which clung to her youthy and fleshy body on the right places .

Azula is slender with cute little cup-cup butts and breasts as round and graceful like coconuts , perfect size for someone her age.

She's got nice long seductive legs that when expose could make a man want to lick them.and tonight , she dressed to make them hungry by wearing a short gown with one sleeve , exposing quite a good portion of her bossoms and the gown which hugged her body tightly exposing a small but sexy wifey hips and her beautiful hand Culpable ass.

" Hi"

" Hi....any problem?" Peni asked the guy who just stopped her on her tracks to get to the bartender

" None that I could think of but uh...are you new here...I haven't seen you around"

" The fact that you haven't seen me around doesn't make me new...out of my way please , I wanna get a drink"

" It's on me ".

" No thank "

" C'mon....are you scared , it's L.A beautiful and this is should he happy things get cheaper like this " The guy said loudly because of the loud music and shouts from the people on the club.

" Oh yeah...tell me about it " She said and snorted as she tried walking out on him but the guy immediately pulled her.

" Hey! , let go of me "

" Not until you drink first ".

" The lady said let go" Another man's voice could be heard behind the guy as Azula looked up she was mesmerized.


Such a wasted beauty!

" And who the fuck are you?... she's my girl so mind your own business"

" that's wrong. I'm not your girl you dimnwit let go " She said as she struggled.

Maximus signaled for his men who Immediately helped free the girl from the drunkards grip and beat the hell out of him.

" That's enough Mister....don't hurt him" She found herself saying after seeing that her assualter had been severely punished by getting beaten to stupor.

" So he was right. about you being his girl.... alright let him go" He said.

" What?!....hey mister , don't you dare say things casually...I'm nobody's girl..okay" She said and wanted to walk out but was pulled back.

Oh damn!

How many time do I have to get pulled and controlled like a slave?! She complained inwardly.

" Don't you think you owe me ? " Maximus asked with a sexy smirk .

" Owe you? , for what ? "

" Tsk.... ungrateful , why not have a drink with me "

" I don't drink "

" So much for a lady dressed up this way...who the hell are you lying to ?"

" That I dressed up this way doesn't mean I drink....I just Wana try for the first time " she said and allowed herself to be pulled by him.


" Wait , you let him drag you?.... you two didn't go all the way , right?"

" C'mon Peni , why would I have sex with a stranger?....we just drank , and I also found out that I've got low tolerance to alcohol that day"

" what happened next?"

" Listern and don't interrupt"