Chapter Sixty-six : The real me

Azula was looking at her boyfriend as he sighed severally before ordering his own dish.

They'd played several games around the eatery and fun spot .

" Choose any dish a date " Maximus said with a sexy smile that made the girl heart skip for a moment.

She was completely caught off guard as she knew she clearly saw him sulking but his expression changed all of a sudden.

" I'd like the chicken , caramel. Salad and rush with fries and lots of protein and of course , a touch of sea food"

" That's like mixture of the two course meal?" The waiter asked

" Yes " Azula said she replied and the waiter nodded and left.

" Thank you" Azula said with a sweet and genuine smile that reached her eyes.

" For what? "

" For the fun you made me see , I never went to fun Park's or eateries or whatever due family background...the only restaurants I went to was my mom's and then the little bakery business she and dad started before everything crashed and I was left with no hope than my sister " She explained with a downcasted look but immediately smiled and of course , that did not escape Max's eyes

" O actually called you her because , because..I....I....wanted you to know the real me , like...I want to come clean with you "

The way Maximus looked at her as he said those words ' REAL ME ' and ' COME CLEAN ' made Azula's heart squeezed

She was suddenly hot inside and breathless.

She felt in her heart that her hunch was right.

Maximus was probably playing with her.

He was just like other rich arrogant and heartless guys who cares less for the poor.

Bit why would he save her?

Why did he never take advantage of her when he had his chances?

Seeing how Azula was spacing out , Maximus grew more nervous.

He really liked her , infact , I he liked her too much but he was older than her and has achieved all he needed and she was just a college girl.

Would she hate me afterwards?

Would she think I took advantage of her?

Would she think I was never serious and everything I said and did was a lie?

All those questions kept running through his brain , it was kind off discouraging but he had to confess , better late than never.

" Azula , I....I'm Xavier's cousin....I'm actually 24 years old and I'm not a scholar at UCLA I graduated from OXFORD , I actually attended Beacon Hill high school and then schooled abroad before obtainig all my degree's and qualifications to hold the position of CEO in which is actually my inherentance "

Max breathed out and finally realized that he'd been holding his breath while confessing to Azula.

Azula on the other hand wasn't that shocked because she had a guy feeling eversince she saw Max at all the pictures and videos taken when Xavier proposed to her sister.

She started digging into it through her twin and her hunch was right.

The question was why did he lie?

" I knew it.....I" She suddenly stopped talking as the waiters arranged their dinner on the table .

Immediately the waiters left, she heaved a deep sigh and looked into Maximus eye.

" So everything was a lie "

Maximus saw this coming but for the reality check , it felt like ice water was poured on him.

His hearty thumped hard and fast as his mind suddenly became numb.

The look on his girlfriend's face was enough to shut him down.

A look of anger , pain ,. disgust and what's worse disappointment.

She was dissapointed in him.

" I'm really sorry for that Azula , I did it to , to test you "

" To test me huh?...pfft....please...spare me those , if my sister hadn't sent me those photos and videos , I wouldn't have known and confronted you to confirm this " Azula said as she she took a spoonful of rice and ate with all the side dishes.

" I'm sorry ,. believe me Azula I planned on telling you soon and coming clean but I got busy with work"

" I know I'm just like a misely bee to got busy , it shows how less important I am to you " Azula said , obviously giving him a hard time.

She needed to be harsh so he wouldn't take her for granted .

Suddenly , she saw Maximus drop his fork and depreciate , he just knelt down and held her free hand , he looked directly into her eyes and kissed her palm , jolting some electricity into Azula's body.

" Baby, I'm really sorry....okay.. everything wasn't a lie , I do like you very much , i mean...I ...I love Azula , I really want us to be together forever, I meant it , I was only scared of loving a gold digger " He said honestly.

" So I'm a gold digger huh?"

" Of course not ,.I only mean that , I didn't tell you for fear of being taken advantage of but you've shown me that you really feelings , not minding if I'm.wealthy or poor"

" Don't you ever keep anything from me!"

" I won't , I , will you still be my love?"He asked as he smiled and Azula blushed and nodded.

" Go eat're making me embarrassed" She said as she blushed seeing that almost all eyes were on her.

It was obvious hat Maximus was popular.

Azula was busy trying to calm her ragging heart when Maximus captured her lips and delve into her sweet mouth , he could taste her delicious food in her mouth as he savoured her lucious lips before resuming eating.