Over a week

In a room about the size of half a football field, there was a king sized bed that had all black beddings and pillows and there was a man lying on the bed. He was lying on the bed as if he was dead when he suddenly uttered the words "How many times have I told you not to sneak into my room" Then, a girl with long black hair and sapphire blue eyes emerged from the shadows. She looked like she was in her late teen years and was dressed in a pink silky night gown which had yellow ducks drawn all over it and she was wearing yellow flip flops shaped like a duck to match her outfit.

She had her hands folded on her stomach and, she looked like a mother about to scold her child for doing something naughty. As she was walking to his bed that was in the centre of the room, her flip flops started making duck noises but her eyes were still very serious and the man on the bed didn't bother opening his eyes to check what was making that sound. The girl got to the bed and threw herself on the bed in a sitting position saying "Brother, why are you no fun?" The man did not reply her but she continued talking "And how can you even sense me in the shadows?"

"It comes with the age" the man replied still not opening his eyes.

"You're only eighty years older than"

"Yes, older than you"

The girl then rolled her eyes "Brother, open your eyes" she said and without thinking twice, the man opened his eyes. "Sheesh brother, how many times do I have to tell you. This color doesn't fit you! You look like the devil himself. I can literally see hell burning in your eyes. Come on, it's past a week. Don't tell me you're still mad"

"That's why I'm in my room, trying to calm down"

"For over a week?! I'm beginning to worry about you brother. You haven't come out of room during this past week. Neither have you eaten. All you do is to stay in this disturbingly dark room and do what you're calling meditate. I don't think you've even taken a bath!"

"Reyna, if you could just leave me alone, I'd calm down much faster" Then, Reyna sighed at her brother's words. She loved her brother a lot and was worried about him and his health but all she could do was to let him be.

"I just hope you don't have any plans of going there tonight...or ever again because, I'm not helping you get in"

"Don't worry about that I'm in no shape to even see anyone. Now, if you'd excuse me, I'd like to get back to meditating"

She instantly stood up and said "Fine! But, I'm going to prepare food for you and, by the time I get back, you should better have taken a bath or else, I'm calling dad" Without waiting for her brother's reply, she stormed out of his room, using the door this time as the sound of her duck flip flops hitting the ground faded in the background.