Pleas Of The Dead

Two hefty men emerged from the dust, both with red, bloodthirsty eyes and a smirk on their lips. Without any form of word exchange, one of the men charged in Raph's direction with a dagger in his hand but, Liam was quicker and stood in the way of a man.

He used his elbow to nudge the man in his stomach, forcing the man to stagger a couple of steps backward. The force of Liam's nudge was strong enough to cause some of the man's blood to splatter onto the floor.

Regaining his balance, the man used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the corner of his lip clean of his blood. He shook his head vigorously like a bull, readying himself to attack again.

His companion stood back, watching as the man was making a fool out of himself. He had no plans of helping him out since he had bragged about his strength beforehand and how he would singlehandedly nab the human.