Chapter Five: 48 Hours In/Part One

It was around 6 a.m. when I woke the next morning, the sun rising in the sky and illuminating the curtains. I looked over at Kate who was snoring soundly in her bed, a sprawled out, tangled-haired blob in the poorly lit room. When I looked over at my patient, I was not disappointed. He already looked better, more color to his face, not sweating anymore- I would bet anything his fever was broken already- a credit to the modern day medicine I used last night.

I got up to go and check the Duke's fever, grabbing the silk robe they had given me last night and pulling it tightly around me. I scoot across the room in my stockings, sliding up into bed with the man from last night, immediately touching his forehead. I flipped my hand over, just to be sure. Not satisfied with that either, I pressed my cheek to his forehead instead. Taking several moments to hover over him, I couldn't help but breath in his clean scent.

Sliding away, I wouldn't have noticed that he was awake if I hadn't of moved. Nearly falling off the bed, even in his state, he reached out- quick to catch me, hoisting me back into the bed beside him with shaky hands. I pushed him away, trying to rise, but he kept me there refusing to let go. I looked up at him, confusion evident on my face.

"Please, sir, if you're feeling better I am happy, but I will not lay down with you. This is inappropriate," I whispered, trying not to wake up Kate. I attempted to escape the mans grasp once again, but he only tightened his grasp.

"You," he began, voice still a bit scratchy, "what is your name," he held my eyes with his- a trick of his as I was learning.

"Anne," I told him, barely a breath away from him.

"I believe I remember you telling me last night, but everything is hard to remember, it was like a dream- then there you were," he whispered; his voice a whisper as he held my gaze.

"I am sure it was dreamlike, you were running a very high fever. You are lucky to be recovering now, I am surprised you have as much strength back as you do. You are very lucky." He allowed me to sit up, releasing me; I took this moment to flee the bed. He was recovering very quickly, even more quickly than I had expected.

I had known when he would wake up would be a gamble, and seeing how alert he is this morning made me grateful that Kate removed his IV before bed last night. Someone finding something like that connected to us could land us a first class ticket to getting burnt at the stake. It was something we knew was a risk, but had to take anyway. I hated the thought of having to possibly give him another IV, but the thought of my mission failing because I was burnt at the stake for being found out- that was much worse.

The medicine I had administered to him last night was a well known, and very common drug from the future- it was the cure all, smart medication capable of doing anything from curing cancer, to treating a broken leg for pain. This amazing drug, can do anything without the risk of getting addicted to it whatsoever. This was all true, until the virus hit home. As a genetic cocktail of mutated, eradicated diseases, it was the most deadly plague known to ever hit Earth. The mortality rate 90%, and so many having lost their lives trying to fight it. Half of the population now dwindles back in 2111 waiting for the cure. The answer? Somewhere across thousands of years of history.

"Anne," the man said, earning my gaze back.

Up until that moment I had not realized I was sitting there looking at my hands, saying nothing. When I realized he expected me to say something- I changed the topic, not truly sure what he had said anyway. "Are you feeling well this morning? I can imagine you're quite hungry, but we'll have to give you something light. Oats, crackers, broths, and apples... those sorts of things."

"No meat then?" he laughed.

"No, sir. No meat. I can get the kitchen started on breakfast right away if you wish," I said, watching him mull this over in his head. If he is not jumping to eat, his stomach must still be on the queasy side. It would be important to get him to hold something down today, and use the bathroom as well.

"Yes, I would like something to put on my stomach. I feel like I have been asleep for years."

"No, sir, it's only been a few days from what I've been told. Your sister, the princess is set to sail for England today. Perhaps you can tell her goodbye before she leaves since you weren't be able to attend the festivities?"

I must've said something wrong because at that the Duke got visibly upset. His handsome features becoming scrunched up, panicked. His hands went into his hair and he ducked his head before slinging it back again, pulling at his own hair. I went to him, pulling his arms from his head and finally they fell to the bed by his side. When I was able to see his face again, I could see the anxiety and it rubbed off on me, making my stomach sink. Something about this was off, I just didn't know what, and I needed to find out.

"What is wrong? Stop this before you hurt yourself, do you not realize what turmoil your body has already went through? Continue if you wish to kill yourself, sir, but I will not watch you do so!"

Kate had woken up at that, surprise on her face. "Oh, hes awake! That's good! He's feisty too by the looks of it, that means he's got some strength back. Has the fever gone then?" she said from her propped up position on her bed through a stifled yawn.

"I need to see Mr. Nutes immediately. Tell them outside," was all he said though.

I took that opportunity to get away from him, nearly sprinting to the door, leaving Kate in a confused state. When I got outside the chambers, I noticed the guards at some point must have changed last night, and I pulled my robe tighter around me when I noticed that they were watching me a little strangely.

"The Duke is in need of a Mr. Nutes, please. As soon as possible, it is of the utmost importance, and also I would like a cook to be sent up here so that I may inform them of the diet the Duke is going to be to be put on for the duration of his treatment," I told them, not getting so much as a response.

"Yes, my Lady," one said, and I sort of felt that they were teasing me, but I let it go as I watched as one walked off down the corridor. I took this moment to think to myself, not caring about the presence of the other guard next to me as I paced.

What in the world was this mans problem? That was some weird shit, and I thought he was the one who was ultimately okay with his sister being given to the king? This really makes no sense, but I am tied between it not being my business, and wanting to know more. It might be in my best interest to find out, if I am already here it could be useful for the future.

I waited a few more minutes before going back inside, already Kate was back to snoring in her bed. It really takes her no time to be able to do so, something I've grown jealous of. It would appear the Duke has also drifted off back to sleep, I watched from across the room as his chest rose and fell with each breath. I was glad to see he had calmed down, and was apparently as fast of a sleeper as Kate. I watched as his back rose and fell from my position closest to the door, and for a second i wished I could go back to sleep myself.

I passed by a mirror on my way to my own bed, stopping in my tracks as I caught a glimpse of myself in my peripheral vision. I needed to brush my hair, my normal wavy brown locks hung in tangles down to my waist, but were otherwise the cleanest they had been in months. It was a clear indicator of the night we had last night. My round, hazel eyes were lined with dark circles, the only splotch of color on my pale face apart from the splash of freckles across the bridge of my nose. I suppose I wasn't unattractive, the months of living fairly impoverished has left me a tad skinny, sickly, and in need of a good nights rest. To say the least I didn't recognize the person I was looking at. She used to consider herself to be more than simply pretty years ago, before the virus.

Her chestnut hair long and wavy, athletic in her build, round face, and long lashes. She didn't have thick, luscious lips like other women in her time, but her smile was one of a kind as she had been told. The girl before her was a shadow of her former self. Messy and unkempt, undernourished, sleep deprived; she made me crave better days. We were the same person though, and I looked intensely at my eyes. While I appear to others, like I might fall apart at any time, I know this is the markings of someone who has worked her ass off for her people, and they're worth the sacrifice. I'll wear them like badges of war, even if I don't recognize myself.

I sighed, slowly allowing my gaze to fall. I walked over to my bag, thankful I pack everything under the son, apart from clothing since it took up so much room. I opened it, reaching in and pulling out a brush for my hair. I closed the bag, and walked back over to the mirror, brushing out the knotted locks. For several minutes the sound of my brushing were the only sounds in the room, and my mind wondered.

As my hair began to resemble it's old self, it made me thankful for the bath I had last night, thinking back to it and the dream I had. No doubt a result from all the pent up emotions, and feelings from being here. I felt heat rise in my cheeks as I reminisced back to the shards of the dream I could remember before waking up.

The Duke was so tall, and so big; it made me feel minuscule under his expert touch. I knew he shouldn't but I allowed him to anyway. He slid to the floor, crawling to my hot bath like a begging man. He pulled himself up the side of the tub, his eyes resting on my chest before coming up to rest on my eyes.

Feeling frisky, I let him look- even giving him a bit of a show by leaning up, my nipples hardening at the rush of cold air. I felt elated to have his gaze on me in such a manner, I had never had a man look at me like this before. I even allowed one of my legs to fall to the side of the tub, allowing him access to my womanhood.

I reached out of the tub, careful not to break eye contact with him, the feelings intense between us. Grabbing his hand, I pulled it into the tub, setting it on the inside of my thigh. Only an idiot wouldn't know what I wanted him to do, but yet he didn't. Instead, he reached back up out of the water and grabbed me behind my neck, pulling me to him for a kiss, in which I gladly obliged.

Our lips met each other over and over, tongues relishing one another in their own dance. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him to me and he rose to his knees, giving me the ability to press my breasts against his bare chest. I groaned, loving having another human so close, what he made me feel made it seem as though I could catch on fire any moment, and wouldn't mind a bit. I felt his hands wonder around my waist, pulling me as close to him as I could be while our tongues explored each other.

After what felt like centuries, he pulled away, his eyes intense. He pushed me back into the water until I was in the original position with my legs spread. I felt him reach into the tub and cup my breast after he was satisfied with my positioning, even coming close to give me one more kiss. Then, he slid his hand slowly down into the water finding my leg, and not stopping there.

"Anne?" the Duke said, snapping me back from my trance.

I nearly jumped out of my skin, not realizing I was so into my flash back that I had made a noise, along with tilting my head back as I remembered. I jumped out of my skin, not realizing I had zoned out again. I had to work on that soon, people shouldn't be able to surprise me that easily.

"Yes?" I said in response, trying to pretend like I hadn't done anything

"Are you alright?" he asked very innocently.

"Yes, I am fine."

There was a silence that passed between us, but after a moment I sat the brush down, walking back over to the pile of linens they brought last night and pulling out the dress they had given me. It was an expensive thing, no doubt belonging to the Duke's wife.

Oh my god, the Dukes wife.

My heart sank as I remembered he was married. I needed to stop having these little fantasies, they're getting out of hand. I can't feel this way about a married man, it's a sin. I will pray for forgiveness later, though, for now I needed to get dressed before someone else got here. It was inappropriate for women to be dressed as we are, even to sleep, when in the presence of a man.

Slipping into the kirtle, and settling it over my chemise, I grabbed my corset that had up until now been drying by the fireplace- zipping it up quickly. I then stepped into the soft black dress that I had been given. I tied it off in the back, looking in the mirror at the way the skirt laid. This was clearly an expensive dress, you could tell from not only the material, but the professional stitching. I pulled it up around my chest, noticing the sleeves were attached already. It was a very plain dress, with a Tudor style neckline, it was tight on the waist and chest, the sleeves even clinging to my arms. I noticed a matching french hood, studded with pearls and a bag snood- which was just a fancy word for a fabric bag for your hair to hold it back- a very fashionable hat for the time.

"Wow, that looks great on you," Kate suddenly said, causing me to jump.

"Kate! What have I told you about scaring me like that? You're driving me crazy!" I said, hand on my racing heart.

"You went through the same shit I went through in boot camp, I don't know why you're still so jumpy. You'd have thought that they'd have beaten that out of us a long time ago."

"It actually made me worse, but thank you for the compliment about the dress. I like it too, they gave me this studded French hood too- with the hair bag and everything.

"The bag snood you mean?" she corrected, rising from the bed and gathering her own clothes.

"I know what a bag snood is, it's such an exhausting name though, isn't it? A snood?" I laughed, gathering my hair into a braid, rolling it up and placing the snood bag over my hair, fastening it in place. I looked at the silly thing for a moment, "I really don't know why they gave me one of these, i'm not even married. I don't know why I would want my hair back," I said pulling it off and undoing my hair.

"What are you going to do with it then? The French Hood is cute, look at mine, it could be worse," she held up her own dress, a grey and light blue fusion with slit sleeves and a blue and black French Hood to go with it.

"That's not bad, that's cute, I look like i'm going to a funeral. I'm just glad this is soft and warm," I told her as I pulled half of my hair back, securing the French Hood in place.

"It's not ideal, but at least it's clean and comfortable," Kate said slipping into her kirtle.

"I rather like the outfit, maybe I could slip downstairs and catch a glimpse of the princess before she leaves court," I said.

"You know that's not a good idea, we need to keep an eye on the Duke until we know he's going to be alright, then we need to get home."

"He's going to be alright, he's responding really well to the medication we gave him. The only thing that would concern me at this point would be if he hadn't of woken up, which was a possibility concerning how long he'd been laying there with that fever. I would have given him 3 days to do so though, and he's accomplished that after one. We'll stay tonight, and then tomorrow evening I am willing to bet that you and I are going to be on our way home," I told her with a smile.

"I hope you're right, but it will take a couple days for the notification to come back about whether or not we can return- we can only send back the sample."

"But still, we will be able to go home, relax, and wait. Just be with Joan and Daniel, and little Annie. Enjoy what time we have left here before we probably leave."

"What if that's not the right one?"

"You know the answer to that, Kate," I replied, getting annoyed at her barrage of questions.

"I just really wanna go home," she said suddenly. It took me by surprise, I hadn't heard her get that depressed sounding since we got here. I didn't know it was getting to her that bad, I mean, no more than myself, so I thought.

I paused what I was doing, walking over to her and she was trying to lace up her gown. Taking the laces from her I began doing it myself, and she dropped her hands to her sides. I pulled the laces through the correct holes and tightened them up, typing them off at the ends like I had been taught to do with mine.

"Thank you," she said, turning around and sitting down on her bed. "Will you do my hair?"

I smiled, "sure, I don't mind. Did you have anything in mind?" I walked over to the mirror, grabbing my brush and returning to her.

I began to brush through her shoulder length, blonde locks. An odd hairstyle to have during this era, there really wasn't much you could do with it other than put it half back like I did with mine. Which is what I did, the end result looking cuter than I imagined. Kate got up and looked in the mirror, smiling and touching the ends.

"This looks great, thanks."

"No problem. It wasn't hard honestly, you have really good hair."

"Thank you," she said going over to the Duke and checking his temperature.

"His fever has broken for sure, i'd say he's in the clear, but like you said: one more night. Just to be on the safe side."

"One more night," I repeated, smiling.