Here is an imaginable world where fictional creatures exist in the universe. A cosmos filled with extraterrestrial madness, space conflicts, stellar adventure, and thriving celestial affection. An endless cosmic space inhabited by unidentified species, unexplored planets, and unknown life forms. So, buckle up my interstellar friends for the bold intergalactic exploration is about to begin.
Dwainecell Kingsleigh is a parentless child, diagnosed with schizophrenia disorder, brought up in Iran, went back to States, and got arrested for a juvenile heist. She was accused of becoming a thief, a delinquent freak, and a liable lunatic for testifying over a headed rabbit culprit. With her unjustified crimes, Dwaine thought she’ll end up in the asylum for rehabilitation. But little did she know she was abducted by an underground organization called the P.I.D. In there, she met a talking cat alien named Noirren North conversing about the potential intergalactic invasion breaking out in the galaxy.
I like the way how the author structures and narrates his/her story, it was easily understood, plain epic, and his/her characters represents a variety of personalities. Although, the update was a bit slow, but anyways, it makes the story more interesting. I think this story... is a Sci-fi Alice in Wonderland. It was a great story.
Wicked Wonderspace, is like a sci-fi version of Alice in Wonderland... the story was full of comedy, the-attitude, and the emo regrets... it's also a diverse in race, culture, and personalities , which I like reading about... the action was really understandable... and the imagination was so creative. Overall, I'm intrigued to read further about what would happen next.