
Sigh! Ah! Why?

Another rejection. Another failure. Another painstaking thorn in my heart.

Why? Why do I always get rejected just why? I am the only girl here, who possesses more than 50 skills among all the girls present in Alvish International.

Then, why am I the one being rejected every time?

50th interview. It was my 50th interview. Yet, I got rejected once again. Why? Am I not attractive? Am I not beautiful? Just what exactly is the problem with me?


A girl named Priya was lost in her own thoughts, while walking her way back to the library, to spend her time with her best friends; her books.

After all, girls in Elvish International aren't up to her match or taste. They are either way too sweet, or they are way too badass. Most of them either envy her beauty or her intelligence, while others just try to stay in the goodlist of her.

After all, who is she? The great Priya Agarwal. The top ranked girl of Alvish International.

Alvish International ? Oh! Isn't it the second branch of Alma International ? The school could say the entire World for Shifter's bride, where they grow, study, learn, enhance their skills and be the perfect lady for their mate or husband as in human language and for society.

But, what happened to Alma International? Oh! It becomes the sacrificial offering of the fight between shifters and magical creatures.

Luckily, all the shifter brides were taken away safely to this second branch of Alma International.But many shifters sacrificed their own lives in doing so.

As for the current situation, there is only bloodshed there. Bloodshed, which shows the defeat of magical creatures of this Universe, by the unity of Shifters of this planet.

After all, magical creatures are shifters too. But they possess magic or the power to control or manipulate the elements. The reason why they are banned from entering Our Solar System, especially Planet Earth.

As for shapeshifters, they are different from humans, because they carry one animal form in them, along with their normal human form. Their senses are more heightened. Their speed is way too fast.

Plus, their life span is a bit longer than humans. But the rest just like humans, they are civilized. They, too follow the trends and all. Even dominating the human Worlds. By possessing many companies, industries, factories, ships, planes and many more.

So, either knowingly or unknowingly the humans nowadays, work for those shifters. While these shifters only hate the selfish, corrupt, pervert and disgusting scums of our species. Showing no mercy in punishing them either.

As for the innocent, honest and hard-working humans, they got praised and even promoted by these shifters. They even include them in their many events. The secret of their lineage is kept a secret, still, though.


Now comes the one in a million dollar question. Why are the magical creatures attacking the shifter bride's school? Is it because they want to declare war? Or is it because they want to end the shifter's species by ending the source of reproduction for them?

Or is there some other reason? If it is, then what could it be? After all, the first battle initiated when Priya was 2 years old. And within the lifespan of her 20 years old age, she had witnessed more than 25 battles.

Rare. Isn't it? Although, sometimes Priya feels like the magical creatures come for her. But then she quickly rejects the idea too. After all, what is she? A mere human.

Why would someone try to kill a mere human like her? Doesn't make any sense, right? But, in almost each and every battle, somehow, she got entangled and even injured to the point of death.

Everytime, it's the mercy of the shifters, that she could keep her life. So, her doubts couldn't be completely superficial. But, what could it exactly be?

Especially, when she got rejected for the 50th time today, in her interview. Ah! That chubby girl and her were standing next to each other. So, when she got chosen and not Priya. Then, Priya felt the unbearable type of pain surging from her inside out.

As if her heart had died with this rejection today. Just why, why on the earth can she not clarify even a single interview? That's so unfair of this World.

Unknown to the fact, that there is a super dominating aura surrounding her. Even if she is the best, and even if her interviewer is the Alpha of his clan. Still, that person won't have guts to even stare in her eyes to say nothing about choosing her.

This aura of her, is a shield which makes her interviewer disappointed. After all, she is the typical definition of beauty with brains. Plus she is the treasure of skills. But, this aura that enveloped her, 24/7.

This is what makes the interviewers not able to choose her. Or else,she has always been the first choice of every interviewer.

Now question time, what is this aura? Why does it envelop her? Will she keep on getting rejected for the rest of her life? Will there be no Prince Charming of her fairytale story? Will there be no fantasy life for her?

And why is previously The Alma International and now The Alvish International is becoming the battlefield for magical creatures and shifters. Why are magical creatures attacking this school? To whom exactly they want to harm and why?

Questions…. Questions.. Questions and Questions… To know the answer of these questions we have to read the rest of the book, too.

And who do you think could be her Mate? A magical creature or a shifter.


Hello guys, this is my second book with WSA on webnovel app. Please do encourage and love this book along with my first book An accident that led to a miracle.

Plus, if any of you want to contact the author aka me. Then please do write it in comment-section or in my insta id, or in my discord id.

I don't know whether I can mention it or not in the chapter. But, I will mention it in comment-section, if possible. Keep on reading guys.