Catching up

"How was the trip...", Brianna questioned her as she sat on her bed. She was curious to know about everything that had happened in the trip. Cat knew that she wouldn't let her be until she mentioned everything that happened. Since Brianna was her best friend she was ready to inform her of the experience she had with Shawn during the trip.

"It's was fun and fantastic", Cat mentioned as she remembered smooching Shawn so passionately. That made her gaze at Brianna with a blank expression on her face. She couldn't believe that she was thinking of that now. Why was she remembering him in that way..? 

"Whooah tell me about it girl wanna hear more", Brianna stood and headed towards her bed. She sat close to her so that she could hear her story well. A chuckle escaped from Cat's lips over her reaction, she was amazed by how Brianna was so interested in hearing her story.