Back to work

She was amazed to be back to work like the old times. She recalled when left for her hometown before heading to Xarvia. She didn't think that she would go back to the city. Her dream of being with Shawn the guy that she loves most was fulfilled. She was grateful since the universe brought them together in the most unexpected ways. She didn't think that they would reunite like how they did. Before she knew that she would spend all her life in Xarvia being the prince's wife. But luckily, Shawn stopped the wedding and married her. 

"Are you alright my love...?" Shawn raised a question at her. He noticed the way she was behaving and realised that she wasn't alright. She was thinking critically as she gazed outside the window. 

"Yes am fine I just remembered the day I resigned. I never thought that we would reunite again", she informed him what she was thinking about. She wasn't trouble in any way, she just remembered how she was sad at that time.