At last

She was overwhelmed with joy as she waited for the moment to be transformed to a vampire. She always desired to be a vampire since she met him. She wanted to live for long and to have him by her side. That's the only thing she yawned for at that time. She didn't want to die and leave him alone to remarry again. She was selfish in sharing his love with another woman. She just wanted him to love her forever. 

"Are you ready my love", he mentioned as he caressed her nape. He was looking for the best spot to bite so that he could drink her blood first then mix her blood with his. He never thought that he would ever drink her blood. He didn't want to taste her blood since he knew that he would thirst for it all the time. 

"Yes am ready", she mentioned as she shook her head. She was more than ready at that particular moment. He stared at her nape as his cannine teeth sprout out. His eyes turned red as he attempted to bite her.