Chapter 2


"What the actual fuck!" the woman yelled "Hey LANGUAGE!" the boy or now Ezra after he told me in the car said. We decided I would be known as Erixa Adair, Adair because that was the name of the road we were on, and well it sounded real enough. And Erixa, Erixa was the only real piece of whatever my old life was, I had a locket and engraved on with the name Erixa.

"well, it's the only way to express the amount of pain this should be!

You should be passed out," she said then she yelled at me " WHY AREN'T YOU PASSED OUT?"

"I'm not deaf you know,"

I shot back

" Ooh sass nice girl," to me then to Ezra "can I keep her."

"Only if you can fix her first," he shot back

"Okay fine, fine," she said, "now let's figure out what's wrong,"

"I have a gash from my right temple to my collar bone, three cuts across my cheek. my side has a gash on the right maybe 2-3 inches deep that goes from my right ribs then ends 2 inches to the right of my navel. Meanwhile on my left a long deep slice from my armpit to the bottom of my ribs. Not too deep but I think they are infected. These were knife cuts I believe. And to add to that shit Sundae a broken leg," I replied deadpan " and several contusions, plus a moderate concussion and a raging headache, and a pain in my ass named Ezra"

"What the ever-loving fuck? you self-diagnose yourself better than some people with PH. FUCKING D.'S! And girl your spot on for the last one" the woman said, " What did I do?" I asked

"Wow, you even have memory issues and did it!" She exclaimed, " this is amazing!"

"WHAT DID I DO THOUGH!" I yelled "sorry." I apologized

"No no it's alright let me explain what happened," she said, "no I know what I said and remember saying it but I don't know how I know it?"

"Okay we just entered creepy central," Ezra said

"actually we entered and left a while ago,"I responded

"This is insane!" the woman said, " where did you even find her!"

" maybe 300 yards down," he replied

"From what fuckhead!" She yelled

" Snoqualmie falls."

She didn't say a thing only turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

I learned the woman's name was Zadie and Zadie was Ezra's older (and wiser) sister. Zadie said I needed to rest and recover some of the wounds could have and most likely should have been fatal. So bedrest was required. And laying low sounded good.

But where?

"NOPE," Ezra yelled

"She has nowhere to go, Ez," Zadie said

"Fine I'll make a deal" he replied

"Yay," Zadie said

"You can stay until you get your memories back, not any longer," Ezra said "deal?"

"Deal," I said.

"Good," we went out to his apartment it was not too long of a drive

" nice this is better than I thought it would be," I commented when we got there.

"what's that supposed to mean!" he shot back defensively.

"Nothing, nothing," I said

His apartment was nice, it was fairly average for the times, it was new construction in Seattle. It was on the 47th floor 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, a nice sized living room, a good kitchen, a small but bright dining room, a balcony, and since he lived on the top floor exclusive roof access.

"I had a roommate but he moved out so you can pick whichever room you want," Ezra said

There were two left, one with a twin XL and a chair. the other a queen and a bench.

I picked the queen because of the window. It was amazing, my breath got knocked out of my chest as I looked out the window. The cascading skyline was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, it was almost as if a million stars had come down from the heavens and now they danced across the water's edge, every raindrop reflecting it tenfold. All that separated us was a thin pane of glass.

"it-its beautiful," I whispered, as soon as my breath had returned

"Huh I guess it is pretty, Wait do you not remember looking out the windows of buildings?"

"No," I said quietly I looked down at my feet I was a little sad I mean I who knows what… or who I was forgetting

"Wow, that's, really sad. Can you not remember anything, not even your family?"

"No, it's just blank somethings trigger little things but I have no clue how I know them most don't make much sense,"

"Oh okay, you should get some rest I think I have some of my sisters clothes, I'll go get them"

"Okay" I sat down on the bed then gently laid back staring at the ceiling

"What happened, why me, what did I do, who was I? Why do I know things I don't understand?" then I finally voiced the one thing that had been bouncing around in my head since I woke in the river.

"What the fuck is Orion?"