It was a trap. Of course, it was a Motherfucking Trap And we had walked right into it. The rain was driving into my right side like little icy bullets, but real bullets hurt way more, I knew, from experience. SPLAT the blood clot I had been trying to keep in place to stop the bleeding fell onto the pavement blood seeped through my fingers. The suit was far too damaged to continue this, or maybe I was, I couldn't tell. And to add insult to injury, my friend is now probably dead, and I ran. Ran! I had to run away like a coward. A FUCKING COWARD! They were coming and I could hear their footsteps coming, fast. I Had two choices, stay and fight, and most likely die or jump into the icy churning water below and still probably die but slightly less chance of death. I grabbed the safety rail as they turned the corner and I plunged into the cold dark, dark water below.
Deep into the cold